Taller CEREBRIZ para fortalecer la motricidad fina en niños de tres años de una institución educativa de Trujillo-2023
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Cabrera Gutiérrez, Ana Elizabeth
Garcia Guevara, Aleida Vanessa
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación titulado: Taller CEREBRIZ para fortalecer la motricidad fina en niños de tres años de una institución educativa de Trujillo-2023, tiene como finalidad afrontar un tema de gran importancia en el nivel inicial, el cual es la motricidad fina, siendo esencial para el desarrollo psicomotor del niño, evitando dificultades al momento de sostener un lápiz, pintar, rasgar papel, usar la tijera, utilizar pinzas de ropa, manipular el cierre de su casaca o cartuchera, etc. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada, diseño cuasiexperimental teniendo dos grupos de estudio, grupo control y experimental. La investigación fue realizada con una población muestral de 42 niños de 3 años, 22 niños pertenecientes al grupo experimental y 20 niños al grupo control. El instrumento de recolección de datos que se utilizó fue la rúbrica, la cual fue validada por un juicio de expertos, se aplicó una preprueba y posprueba para ambos grupos. Como resultado obtuvimos que la aplicación del Taller CEREBRIZ fortaleció de manera significativa la motricidad fina en los niños de tres años; puesto que en los resultados de la preprueba indican que en el grupo control el 100% se encuentra en el nivel medio, en el nivel bajo y medio se encuentran en un %0. En el grupo experimental el 90.9% se encuentra en el nivel alto, en el nivel bajo se encuentra un 9.1% y en el nivel alto 0%, en la posprueba, el 100% de los niños se encuentran en el nivel alto a diferencia del grupo control en el cual no se aplicó el taller solo un 10% se encuentran en el nivel alto. Se denota que existe una diferencia significativa en el fortalecimiento de la motricidad fina de los niños, demostrando la aceptación de la hipótesis alterna y rechazando la hipótesis nula.
The present research entitled: CEREBRIZ workshop to strengthen fine motor skills in three year-old children from an educational institution in Trujillo-2023, it aims to confront a topic of great importance in the early childhood education, which is fine motor skills, being essential for the child's psychomotor development, avoiding difficulties when holding a pencil, painting, tearing paper, using scissors, handling clothespins, manipulating the zip of their jackets or pencil cases, etc. The research was applied type, with quasi-experimental design involving two study groups, a control group and an experimental group. The research was carried out with a sample population of 42 three-year-old children, 22 children who belonged to the experimental group and 20 children who belonged to the control group. The data collection instrument used was the rubric, which was validated by expert judgement, and a pre-test and post-test were administered to both groups. As a result, we found that the application of the CEREBRIZ workshop significantly strengthened fine motor skills in three-year-old children because the pre-test results indicate that in the control group, 100% of the children were at the medium level, and with 0% at both the low and high levels. In the experimental group, 90.9% are at the high level, 9.1% at the low level, and 0% at the medium level. In the post-test, 100% of the children were at the high level, in contrast to the control group, where the workshop was not applied, and only 10% were at the high level. It is denoted that there is a significant difference in the strengthening of fine motor skills in children, demonstrating the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis and the rejection of the null hypothesis.
The present research entitled: CEREBRIZ workshop to strengthen fine motor skills in three year-old children from an educational institution in Trujillo-2023, it aims to confront a topic of great importance in the early childhood education, which is fine motor skills, being essential for the child's psychomotor development, avoiding difficulties when holding a pencil, painting, tearing paper, using scissors, handling clothespins, manipulating the zip of their jackets or pencil cases, etc. The research was applied type, with quasi-experimental design involving two study groups, a control group and an experimental group. The research was carried out with a sample population of 42 three-year-old children, 22 children who belonged to the experimental group and 20 children who belonged to the control group. The data collection instrument used was the rubric, which was validated by expert judgement, and a pre-test and post-test were administered to both groups. As a result, we found that the application of the CEREBRIZ workshop significantly strengthened fine motor skills in three-year-old children because the pre-test results indicate that in the control group, 100% of the children were at the medium level, and with 0% at both the low and high levels. In the experimental group, 90.9% are at the high level, 9.1% at the low level, and 0% at the medium level. In the post-test, 100% of the children were at the high level, in contrast to the control group, where the workshop was not applied, and only 10% were at the high level. It is denoted that there is a significant difference in the strengthening of fine motor skills in children, demonstrating the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis and the rejection of the null hypothesis.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Educación física, Cerebro, Actividad sensomotriz