Elabora normas que regulan la convivencia en la escuela y evalúa su práctica basándose en los principios democráticos
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presenta sesión de aprendizaje determinada para el Examen de Suficiencia Profesional ha sido diseñada para estudiantes del segundo grado del nivel secundaria en el área de Desarrollo Personal, Ciudadanía y Cívica, con el fin de que los estudiantes elaboren normas que regulen la convivencia en la escuela ejerciendo su juicio crítico y ayudando de esa manera a continuar con las correctas acciones que se necesita en una sociedad democrática. Estamos conscientes de que en la actualidad la convivencia entre escolares es un problema fundamental que debemos tratar con mucho tino, puesto que afecta muchas veces de manera negativa en los estudiantes. Por lo tanto, en esta sesión se tomó en cuenta una metodología descriptiva y procesos pedagógicos al igual que procesos didácticos para promover tanto un aprendizaje significativo como una mejor relación entre los estudiantes y de esa manera obtener una convivencia pacífica en donde los estudiantes puedan explotar sus habilidades y capacidades.
The present learning session determined for the Professional Proficiency Exam has been designed for second grade students at the secondary level in the area of Personal Development, Citizenship and Civics, in order for students to develop norms that regulate coexistence in school exercising their critical judgment and thus helping to continue with the correct actions that are needed in a democratic society. We are aware that currently coexistence between schoolchildren is a fundamental problem that we must deal with very carefully, since it often negatively affects students. Therefore, in this session a descriptive methodology and pedagogical processes were taken into account as well as didactic processes to promote both meaningful learning and a better relationship between students and in this way obtain a peaceful coexistence where students can exploit their skills and abilities.
The present learning session determined for the Professional Proficiency Exam has been designed for second grade students at the secondary level in the area of Personal Development, Citizenship and Civics, in order for students to develop norms that regulate coexistence in school exercising their critical judgment and thus helping to continue with the correct actions that are needed in a democratic society. We are aware that currently coexistence between schoolchildren is a fundamental problem that we must deal with very carefully, since it often negatively affects students. Therefore, in this session a descriptive methodology and pedagogical processes were taken into account as well as didactic processes to promote both meaningful learning and a better relationship between students and in this way obtain a peaceful coexistence where students can exploit their skills and abilities.
Educación, Convivencia pacífica, Sociedad, Democracia, Estudiante