Conocimiento y cuidado del catéter port a cath en enfermeras de oncohematología, en un hospital Essalud, Trujillo
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente estudio de investigación de descriptivo-correlacional, de corte trasversal se realizó con el propósito de determinar la relación entre el nivel de conocimiento y el cuidado del catéter Port-A-Cath en enfermeras del servicio de oncohematología del Hospital de Alta Complejidad "Virgen de la Puerta" en Trujillo. En una población de 21 enfermeras a quienes se les aplico dos instrumentos nivel de conocimiento sobre el manejo del catéter y la calidad del cuidado brindado. Llegando a los siguientes resultados revelan una correlación alta y positiva (Rho de Spearman = 0.847, p =
0.000), lo que sugiere que un mayor conocimiento está asociado con una mejor calidad del cuidado. Además, el 61.9% de las enfermeras presentó un nivel medio de conocimiento, mientras que el 100% mostró un nivel bueno de cuidado del catéter. Se concluye que es fundamental implementar programas de formación continua para mejorar el conocimiento y asegurar la práctica clínica adecuada en el manejo de este dispositivo
The present descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional research study was conducted to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and the care of the Port-A-Cath catheter among nurses in the oncohematology service at the "Virgen de la Puerta" High Complexity Hospital in Trujillo. A population of 21 nurses was assessed using two instruments: one measuring knowledge about catheter management and the other evaluating the quality of care provided. The results revealed a high positive correlation (Spearman's Rho = 0.847, p = 0.000), suggesting that greater knowledge is associated with better quality of care. Additionally, 61.9% of the nurses exhibited a medium level of knowledge, while 100% demonstrated a good level of catheter care. It is concluded that implementing continuous training programs is essential to enhance knowledge and ensure appropriate clinical practice in managing this device
The present descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional research study was conducted to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and the care of the Port-A-Cath catheter among nurses in the oncohematology service at the "Virgen de la Puerta" High Complexity Hospital in Trujillo. A population of 21 nurses was assessed using two instruments: one measuring knowledge about catheter management and the other evaluating the quality of care provided. The results revealed a high positive correlation (Spearman's Rho = 0.847, p = 0.000), suggesting that greater knowledge is associated with better quality of care. Additionally, 61.9% of the nurses exhibited a medium level of knowledge, while 100% demonstrated a good level of catheter care. It is concluded that implementing continuous training programs is essential to enhance knowledge and ensure appropriate clinical practice in managing this device