Recursos virtuales como estrategia didáctica y habilidades lingüísticas en estudiantes del centro de idiomas de una universidad particular. Trujillo – 2018
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo demostrar que el uso de recursos
virtuales como estrategia didáctica mejoran las habilidades lingüísticas en el área de inglés,
de los estudiantes del Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad César Vallejo de Trujillo.
Se realizó una investigación, con diseño cuasi experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada
por 47 estudiantes del curso inglés II del Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad César Vallejo,
los cuales estuvieron distribuidos en 22 estudiantes para el grupo experimental y 25 para el
de control, a los que se le aplicó un pre- test al inicio de la estrategia didáctica y luego del
desarrollo de las sesiones de trabajo se realizó la evaluación del post test.
El estudio en su conclusión general demostró que el uso de recursos virtuales como estrategia
didáctica mejoran las habilidades lingüísticas en el área de inglés, de los estudiantes del
Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad César Vallejo de Trujillo – 2018 y para los objetivos
específicos se mejoraron las habilidades lingüísticas que corresponden a las dimensiones:
leer, escuchar y escribir.
The objective of this research work is to demonstrate that the use of virtual resources, as a didactic strategy, improves the language skills in the English area of the students of the Language Center of the Cesar Vallejo University of Trujillo. An investigation was carried out, with a quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 47 students of the English II course of the Language Center of the Cesar Vallejo University, which were distributed in 22 students for the experimental group and 25 for the control group, to whom a pre-test was applied at the beginning of the didactic strategy and after the development of the work sessions, the post-test evaluation was carried out. The study, in its general conclusion, showed that the use of virtual resources, as a didactic strategy, improve the linguistic skills in the English area of the students of the Language Center of the Cesar Vallejo University of Trujillo - 2018 and for the specific objectives were improved the language skills corresponding to the dimensions: reading, listening and writing
The objective of this research work is to demonstrate that the use of virtual resources, as a didactic strategy, improves the language skills in the English area of the students of the Language Center of the Cesar Vallejo University of Trujillo. An investigation was carried out, with a quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 47 students of the English II course of the Language Center of the Cesar Vallejo University, which were distributed in 22 students for the experimental group and 25 for the control group, to whom a pre-test was applied at the beginning of the didactic strategy and after the development of the work sessions, the post-test evaluation was carried out. The study, in its general conclusion, showed that the use of virtual resources, as a didactic strategy, improve the linguistic skills in the English area of the students of the Language Center of the Cesar Vallejo University of Trujillo - 2018 and for the specific objectives were improved the language skills corresponding to the dimensions: reading, listening and writing
Estrategias didácticas
Recursos virtuales