Impacto del comercio ambulatorio en el nivel socioeconómico de los comerciantes ambulantes del mercado Modelo- Piura 2022
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Risco Huancas, Oriana Elisbeth
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La actividad del comercio ambulatorio en las periferias del mercado Modelo en la región Piura, está ligada con factores sociales económicos, teniendo como principal factor el desempleo, se determinó que las personas que practican esta actividad en su mayoría son mujeres, además de ser provenientes de distrito o provincias de la región de Piura, lugares a los que abandonaron por ir tras mejores oportunidades laborales; optando por insertarse en el comercio ambulatorio como fuente de ingresos transitoria y que con el pasar de los años se convirtió en permanente. Los desafíos a los que hacen frente los comerciantes son las deficiencias para acceder a préstamos y las represalias por parte de serenazgo, sin embargo, esta actividad se vuelve atractiva no solo por la facilidad de acceso con poco capital, sino también por el hecho de crear personas independientes, adecuar sus horarios de trabajo y disfrutar de más tiempo para ellos. Existe un gran número de comerciantes asegurados al SIS, pero son pocos los que le dan utilidad, debido a su inadecuada atención, gozando de solvencia económica optan por consultas particulares, también existe deficiente cobertura por parte de los programas sociales, en comparación al grado educativo de los comerciantes versus sus hijos este ha mejorado, además que los padres se involucran en el quehacer educativo, los comerciantes en su mayoría cuentan con vivienda propia y servicios básicos, en ese sentido los ingresos del comercio ambulatorio repercuten de manera positiva en los comerciantes, mejorando su nivel socioeconómicos.
ABSTRACT The activity of ambulatory commerce in the peripheries of the Modelo market in the Piura region, is linked to social and economic factors, having unemployment as the main factor, it was determined that the people who practice this activity are mostly women, in addition to being from districts or provinces of the Piura region, places they left to go in search of better job opportunities; opting to insert themselves in the ambulatory trade as a transitory source of income and that over the years became permanent. The challenges faced by merchants are deficiencies in accessing loans and retaliation by the security guards, however, this activity becomes attractive not only because of the ease of access with little capital, but also because of the fact of creating independent people, adapting their work schedules and enjoying more time for themselves. There is a large number of merchants insured to the SIS, but there are few who give it use, due to its inadequate attention, enjoying economic solvency they opt for private consultations, there is also deficient coverage by social programs, compared to the educational level of the merchants versus their children this has improved, in addition to the fact that parents are involved in the educational work, the merchants mostly have their own housing and basic services, in this sense the income from ambulatory commerce has a positive impact on merchants, improving their socioeconomic level.
ABSTRACT The activity of ambulatory commerce in the peripheries of the Modelo market in the Piura region, is linked to social and economic factors, having unemployment as the main factor, it was determined that the people who practice this activity are mostly women, in addition to being from districts or provinces of the Piura region, places they left to go in search of better job opportunities; opting to insert themselves in the ambulatory trade as a transitory source of income and that over the years became permanent. The challenges faced by merchants are deficiencies in accessing loans and retaliation by the security guards, however, this activity becomes attractive not only because of the ease of access with little capital, but also because of the fact of creating independent people, adapting their work schedules and enjoying more time for themselves. There is a large number of merchants insured to the SIS, but there are few who give it use, due to its inadequate attention, enjoying economic solvency they opt for private consultations, there is also deficient coverage by social programs, compared to the educational level of the merchants versus their children this has improved, in addition to the fact that parents are involved in the educational work, the merchants mostly have their own housing and basic services, in this sense the income from ambulatory commerce has a positive impact on merchants, improving their socioeconomic level.
Comercio informal, Vendedor ambulante, Espacios públicos