Taller JUMOT para mejorar la motricidad gruesa en niños de 3 años de una Institución Educativa Pública Trujillo, 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación partió de las observaciones de los niños de 3 años, donde se tomó como fundamento el poco desarrollo de la motricidad gruesa. Ante lo observado se planteó crear la propuesta titulada: Taller JUMOT para mejorar la motricidad gruesa en niños de 3 años de una Institución Educativa Pública Trujillo, 2022, que tuvo como objetivo general determinar en qué medida el Taller JUMOT mejora el nivel de la motricidad gruesa en niños de 3 años de la I.E. N° 1583 Túpac Amaru, Trujillo-2022. La investigación es Cuantitativa- aplicada, con diseño Pre-experimental, dicha investigación fue ejecutada con una muestra, constituida por 5 niños de 3 años de la I.E. N° 1583 Túpac Amaru, utilizando como instrumento de evaluación una guía de observación. Considerando como resultados; en el pre test el 60% de niños alcanzaron un nivel en inicio y el 40% en proceso de motricidad gruesa. Pero en el post test, después de aplicar el Taller JUMOT el 80% de niños alcanzó un nivel logrado y solo el 20% un nivel en proceso. En conclusión, la propuesta del Taller JUMOT mejora significativamente el nivel de motricidad gruesa de los niños de 3 años en sus diferentes dimensiones: Dominio corporal dinámico y Dominio corporal estático.
This research work is based on the observations of 3 years old children, where the poor development of gross motor skills was taken as a foundation. Given what was observed, it was proposed to create the proposal called: Workshop JUMOT to improve gross motor skills in 3 years old children of a Public Educational Institution of Trujillo, 2022, whose general objective was to determine to what extent the Workshop JUMOT improves the level of gross motor skills in 3 years old children from the I.E. 1583 Túpac Amaru, Trujillo-2022. The investigation is of Quantitative-applicaed, with a Pre-experimental design, said investigation was carried out with a sample made up of 5 children of 3 years of age from the I.E.1583 Túpac Amaru, using an observation guide as an evaluation instrument. Considering as results; in the pretest, 60% of children reached a level at the beginning and 40% in the process of gross motor skills. But in the posttest, after applying the Workshop JUMOT 80% of children reached an achieved level and only 20% a level in process. In conclusion, the proposal of the Workshop JUMOT significantly improves the level of gross motor skills of 3 years old children in its different dimensions: Dynamic Body Mastery and Static Body Mastery.
This research work is based on the observations of 3 years old children, where the poor development of gross motor skills was taken as a foundation. Given what was observed, it was proposed to create the proposal called: Workshop JUMOT to improve gross motor skills in 3 years old children of a Public Educational Institution of Trujillo, 2022, whose general objective was to determine to what extent the Workshop JUMOT improves the level of gross motor skills in 3 years old children from the I.E. 1583 Túpac Amaru, Trujillo-2022. The investigation is of Quantitative-applicaed, with a Pre-experimental design, said investigation was carried out with a sample made up of 5 children of 3 years of age from the I.E.1583 Túpac Amaru, using an observation guide as an evaluation instrument. Considering as results; in the pretest, 60% of children reached a level at the beginning and 40% in the process of gross motor skills. But in the posttest, after applying the Workshop JUMOT 80% of children reached an achieved level and only 20% a level in process. In conclusion, the proposal of the Workshop JUMOT significantly improves the level of gross motor skills of 3 years old children in its different dimensions: Dynamic Body Mastery and Static Body Mastery.
Educación, Educación en la primera infancia, Taller educativo, Juego, Juego educativo