Efecto de la temperatura de revenido en un acero AISI D2 con temple y temple – tratamiento criogénico sobre la dureza, resistencia al impacto y resistencia al desgaste
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La investigación evaluó el efecto de la temperatura de revenido en el acero AISI D2
templado en aceite y con tratamiento criogénico; sobre la dureza, resistencia al impacto y
resistencia al desgaste. Las propiedades mecánicas se evaluaron con técnicas de
indentación para obtener la dureza según norma ASTM E-18, método Charpy para obtener
la resistencia al impacto según norma ASTM E23-98 y método de diferencia de pesos
para determinar la resistencia al desgaste según norma ASTM G77. Se consideró un rango
de temperaturas de revenido de 200, 300, 400, 500, 550 y 600ºC por un tiempo de 1 hora,
una temperatura de austenización de 1020ºC y tratamiento criogénico a -196ºC por un
tiempo de 3 horas.
Los resultados mostraron que hasta la temperatura de revenido de 400ºC, se produce
un alivio de tensiones resultado del temple del acero en aceite, aquí la dureza y resistencia
al desgaste disminuyen y la resistencia al impacto aumenta, todo ligeramente. Conforme
se incrementa la temperatura de revenido hasta 550ºC se produce la precipitación de
carburos primarios de cromo y vanadio; y carburos secundarios que son finos y están
homogéneamente distribuidos en la matriz (endurecimiento secundario), haciendo que los
valores de dureza, resistencia al impacto y resistencia al desgaste sean los más altos.
Finalmente, a temperaturas de revenido de 600ºC se produce la disminución de los
carburos aleados y la martensita revenida se vuelve más basta, disminuyendo los valores
de las propiedades mecánicas. Evaluando el efecto del tratamiento criogénico sobre las
propiedades mecánicas a las condiciones de estudio, éste influye notablemente en 3 a 4
puntos por encima de los valores en muestras solo con temple y revenido, básicamente al
casi 100% de martensita revenida presente en su microestructura final. Los resultados
obtenidos fueron contrastados mediante análisis estadístico con un nivel de confianza del
95%, que demuestra la confiabilidad del estudio realizado.
The research evaluated the effect of tempering temperature on AISI D2 steel quenched in oil and with cryogenic treatment; on hardness, impact resistance and wear resistance. The mechanical properties were evaluated with indentation techniques to obtain hardness according to ASTM E-18 standard, Charpy method to obtain impact resistance according to ASTM E23-98 standard and weight difference method to determine wear resistance according to ASTM G77 standard. A range of tempering temperatures of 200, 300, 400, 500, 550 and 600ºC for a period of 1 hour, an austenitization temperature of 1020ºC and cryogenic treatment at -196ºC for a period of 3 hours were considered. The results showed that up to the tempering temperature of 400ºC, there is a stress relief resulting from the quenching of the steel in oil, here the hardness and wear resistance decrease and the impact resistance increases, all slightly. As the tempering temperature increases up to 550ºC, the precipitation of primary chromium and vanadium carbides occurs; and secondary carbides that are fine and homogeneously distributed in the matrix (secondary hardening), making the values of hardness, impact resistance and wear resistance the highest. Finally, at tempering temperatures of 600ºC, the alloy carbides decrease and the tempered martensite becomes coarser, decreasing the values of the mechanical properties. Evaluating the effect of cryogenic treatment on the mechanical properties under the study conditions, it notably influences 3 to 4 points above the values in samples with only quenching and tempering, basically almost 100% of tempered martensite present in its final microstructure. The results obtained were contrasted through statistical analysis with a confidence level of 95%, which demonstrates the reliability of the study carried out.
The research evaluated the effect of tempering temperature on AISI D2 steel quenched in oil and with cryogenic treatment; on hardness, impact resistance and wear resistance. The mechanical properties were evaluated with indentation techniques to obtain hardness according to ASTM E-18 standard, Charpy method to obtain impact resistance according to ASTM E23-98 standard and weight difference method to determine wear resistance according to ASTM G77 standard. A range of tempering temperatures of 200, 300, 400, 500, 550 and 600ºC for a period of 1 hour, an austenitization temperature of 1020ºC and cryogenic treatment at -196ºC for a period of 3 hours were considered. The results showed that up to the tempering temperature of 400ºC, there is a stress relief resulting from the quenching of the steel in oil, here the hardness and wear resistance decrease and the impact resistance increases, all slightly. As the tempering temperature increases up to 550ºC, the precipitation of primary chromium and vanadium carbides occurs; and secondary carbides that are fine and homogeneously distributed in the matrix (secondary hardening), making the values of hardness, impact resistance and wear resistance the highest. Finally, at tempering temperatures of 600ºC, the alloy carbides decrease and the tempered martensite becomes coarser, decreasing the values of the mechanical properties. Evaluating the effect of cryogenic treatment on the mechanical properties under the study conditions, it notably influences 3 to 4 points above the values in samples with only quenching and tempering, basically almost 100% of tempered martensite present in its final microstructure. The results obtained were contrasted through statistical analysis with a confidence level of 95%, which demonstrates the reliability of the study carried out.
TECHNOLOGY::Chemical engineering::Metallurgical process and manufacturing engineering::Metallurgical process engineering