La encomienda de Cajamarca: encomenderos y caciques (1540-1609)
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo tuvo como propósito el estudio de la encomienda de Cajamarca, sus encomenderos y caciques durante los años 1540 y 1609, teniendo como objetivo general, explicar el desarrollo de la encomienda de Cajamarca a través de los mencionados grupos de poder. A su vez, los objetivos específicos estuvieron orientados a su proceso evolutivo, al rol administrativo de sus encomenderos y a la influencia de sus caciques en el desarrollo económico. La investigación se adentró en el desarrollo de la encomienda de Cajamarca en el Perú del siglo XVI y principios del XVII, generando una reconstrucción detallada del establecimiento de sus encomenderos y caciques, del rol administrativo de sus propietarios y de la influencia de los gobernantes andinos en el desarrollo económico. Por ende, la investigación se vinculó con la historia social y la microhistoria, bases teóricas que contribuyeron al avance y logro de los objetivos trazados, a las cuales se le sumaron el uso de fuentes documentales como las visitas de encomienda y los testamentos de los encomenderos y caciques; el correcto análisis e interpretación de los documentos y la paleografía. Todo ello, complementado con el material bibliográfico que permitió la obtención de los resultados esperados. Por lo tanto, se concluye que el desarrollo de la encomienda de Cajamarca a través de sus encomenderos y caciques se dio a partir de la explotación y manejo de los recursos naturales agrícolas, mineros y textiles; afrontando políticas gubernamentales que afectaron su estructura y el control de la mano de obra indígena. Es por ello que, el rol administrativo de sus encomenderos, fue importante para el establecimiento de una red de trabajadores que les permitió estar inmersos en actividades comerciales con los diferentes grupos sociales, dentro de los cuales se encontraron los caciques de Cajamarca. Estos últimos, al lograr una consolidación de poder sobre los indígenas, lograron manejar la mano de obra y optimizar los recursos del tributo.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this work was to study the encomienda of Cajamarca, its encomenderos and caciques between 1540 and 1609, with the general objective of explaining the development of the encomienda of Cajamarca through its encomenderos and caciques. In turn, the specific objectives were oriented to its evolutionary process, the administrative role of its encomenderos and the influence of its caciques in its economic development. The research delved into the development of the encomienda of Cajamarca in Peru in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, generating a detailed reconstruction of the establishment of its encomenderos and caciques, the administrative role of its owners and the influence of Andean rulers on economic development. Therefore, the research was linked to social history and microhistory, theoretical bases that contributed to the progress and achievement of the proposed objectives, to which was added the use of documentary sources such as the encomienda visits and the wills of the encomenderos and caciques; the correct analysis and interpretation of the documents, paleography and cataloging. All this, complemented with the bibliographic material that allowed us to obtain the expected results. Therefore, it is concluded that the development of the Cajamarca encomienda through its encomenderos and caciques was based on the exploitation and management of agricultural, mining and textile natural resources; facing government policies that affected its structure and the control of the indigenous labor force. Therefore, the administrative role of their encomenderos was important for the establishment of a network of workers that allowed them to be immersed in commercial activities with different social groups, among which were the caciques of Cajamarca. The latter, by consolidating their power over the indigenous people, were able to manage the labor force and optimize the resources of the tribute.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this work was to study the encomienda of Cajamarca, its encomenderos and caciques between 1540 and 1609, with the general objective of explaining the development of the encomienda of Cajamarca through its encomenderos and caciques. In turn, the specific objectives were oriented to its evolutionary process, the administrative role of its encomenderos and the influence of its caciques in its economic development. The research delved into the development of the encomienda of Cajamarca in Peru in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, generating a detailed reconstruction of the establishment of its encomenderos and caciques, the administrative role of its owners and the influence of Andean rulers on economic development. Therefore, the research was linked to social history and microhistory, theoretical bases that contributed to the progress and achievement of the proposed objectives, to which was added the use of documentary sources such as the encomienda visits and the wills of the encomenderos and caciques; the correct analysis and interpretation of the documents, paleography and cataloging. All this, complemented with the bibliographic material that allowed us to obtain the expected results. Therefore, it is concluded that the development of the Cajamarca encomienda through its encomenderos and caciques was based on the exploitation and management of agricultural, mining and textile natural resources; facing government policies that affected its structure and the control of the indigenous labor force. Therefore, the administrative role of their encomenderos was important for the establishment of a network of workers that allowed them to be immersed in commercial activities with different social groups, among which were the caciques of Cajamarca. The latter, by consolidating their power over the indigenous people, were able to manage the labor force and optimize the resources of the tribute.
Sistema colonial , Microhistoria, Indígenas