Efecto de la temperatura en las isotermas de adsorción de harina de cañihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule)
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la temperatura de adsorción a 25, 35 y 45 º C en harina de cañihua. Los datos experimentales fueron ajustados con los modelos GAB, BET, Henderson y Oswin y se estimó la vida útil empleando el modelo de Heiss y Eichner. Muestras de 1 g de harina de cañihua fueron colocados en el analizador de humedad mantenidas a la temperatura especifica (25, 35 y 45 º C) hasta llegar a la condición de humedad en equilibrio. La actividad de agua se determinó por detección del punto de roció con un equipo Aqualab Decagon Serie 4. Los datos experimentales se modelaron con ecuaciones de GAB, BET, Caurie y Oswin. El análisis de varianza determino el efecto significativo de la temperatura en las isotermas de adsorción de harina de cañihua, mostrando que a medida que se incrementa la temperatura, la isoterma de adsorción tiende a desplazarse a la parte inferior derecha. El modelo de GAB presento un buen ajuste de los datos experimentales con coeficientes de determinación superiores a 0.9 y un % E menor a 10%, reportando valores de monocapa (0.049, 0.039, 0.038 g agua /g ms). Con el modelo de Heiss y Eichner, basado en un factor crítico bajo condiciones de almacenamiento dadas (90% HR), se logró estimar el tiempo de vida útil de harina de cañihua, siendo 40 y 16 y 21 meses a las temperaturas de 25, 35 y 45 ºC respectivamente, valores superiores del requerimiento de 12 meses, establecido por la norma técnica peruana.
ABSTRACT The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of the adsorption temperature at 25, 35 and 45 ºC in cañihua flour. The experimental data were adjusted with the GAB, BET, Henderson and Oswin models and the useful life was estimated using the Heiss and Eichner model. Samples of 1 g of cañihua flour were placed in the humidity analyzer and kept at the specific temperature (25, 35 and 45 ºC) until reaching the equilibrium humidity condition. The water activity was determined by detecting the dew point with an Aqualab Decagon Series 4 equipment. The experimental data were modeled with GAB, BET, Caurie and Oswin equations. The analysis of variance determined the significant effect of temperature on the adsorption isotherms of cañihua flour, showing that as the temperature increases, the adsorption isotherm tends to shift to the lower right. The GAB model presented a good fit of the experimental data with determination coefficients greater than 0.9 and a % E less than 10%, reporting monolayer values (0.049, 0.039, 0.038 g water / g ms). With the Heiss and Eichner model, based on a critical factor under given storage conditions (90% RH), it was possible to estimate the useful life of cañihua flour, being 40 and 16 and 21 months at temperatures of 25, 35 and 45 ºC respectively, higher values of the 12-month requirement, established by the Peruvian technical standard.
ABSTRACT The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of the adsorption temperature at 25, 35 and 45 ºC in cañihua flour. The experimental data were adjusted with the GAB, BET, Henderson and Oswin models and the useful life was estimated using the Heiss and Eichner model. Samples of 1 g of cañihua flour were placed in the humidity analyzer and kept at the specific temperature (25, 35 and 45 ºC) until reaching the equilibrium humidity condition. The water activity was determined by detecting the dew point with an Aqualab Decagon Series 4 equipment. The experimental data were modeled with GAB, BET, Caurie and Oswin equations. The analysis of variance determined the significant effect of temperature on the adsorption isotherms of cañihua flour, showing that as the temperature increases, the adsorption isotherm tends to shift to the lower right. The GAB model presented a good fit of the experimental data with determination coefficients greater than 0.9 and a % E less than 10%, reporting monolayer values (0.049, 0.039, 0.038 g water / g ms). With the Heiss and Eichner model, based on a critical factor under given storage conditions (90% RH), it was possible to estimate the useful life of cañihua flour, being 40 and 16 and 21 months at temperatures of 25, 35 and 45 ºC respectively, higher values of the 12-month requirement, established by the Peruvian technical standard.
Temperatura, Adsorción, Vida útil, Isoterma