Juegos cooperativos para mejorar el nivel del trabajo colaborativo de los niños de 3 años en una institución educativa pública, Trujillo - 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación titulada: Taller de juegos cooperativos para mejorar el nivel del trabajo colaborativo de los niños de 3 años de una Institución pública, Trujillo 2022, tuvo como finalidad determinar el nivel de trabajo colaborativo en los niños de 3 años y a partir de ello se propuso un taller basado en la teoría sociocultural de Vygotsky, en el que se buscó mejorar el trabajo colaborativo mediante juegos cooperativos. En base a ello, la presente investigación fue aplicada, según su finalidad y se utilizó el diseño pre experimental con un solo grupo de estudio conformado por 5 niños del aula de 3 años de la I.E. N° 15883 “Tupac Amaru”. Para ello, se utilizó como instrumento a una guía de observación. Los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación del pre test mostraron que en la población muestral el 40% se encuentra a un nivel medio y el 80% en un nivel de pronunciación bajo; mientras que en el pos test, después de aplicar la propuesta del Taller juegos cooperativos el 80% de la población muestral se encuentra en un nivel alto y el 20% se encuentra en un nivel de pronunciación medio. Ante esto, la propuesta del Taller de juegos cooperativos mejora significativamente el nivel del trabajo colaborativo de los niños de 3 años en sus diversas dimensiones: Comunicación, responsabilidad individual y grupal, interacción estimuladora.
The entitled present investigation: Cooperative games workshop to improve the level of collaborative work of 3-year-old children of a public Institution, Trujillo-2022, had the purpose of determining the level of collaborative work in 3-year-old children and from that A workshop was proposed based on Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, which sought to improve collaborative work through cooperative games. Based on this, the present investigation was applied according to its purpose and the pre-experimental design was used with a single study group made up of 5 children from the 3-year-old classroom of the I.E. No. 15883 “Tupac Amaru”. For this, an observation guide was used as an instrument. The results obtained in the application of the pre-test showed that in the sample population 40% are at a medium level and 80% are at a low level of pronunciation; while in the post-test, after applying the proposal of the Cooperative Games Workshop, 80% of the sample population is at a high level and 20% is at a medium level of pronunciation. Given this, the proposal of the Cooperative Games Workshop significantly improves the level of collaborative work of 3-year-old children in its various dimensions: Communication, individual and group responsibility, stimulating interaction.
The entitled present investigation: Cooperative games workshop to improve the level of collaborative work of 3-year-old children of a public Institution, Trujillo-2022, had the purpose of determining the level of collaborative work in 3-year-old children and from that A workshop was proposed based on Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, which sought to improve collaborative work through cooperative games. Based on this, the present investigation was applied according to its purpose and the pre-experimental design was used with a single study group made up of 5 children from the 3-year-old classroom of the I.E. No. 15883 “Tupac Amaru”. For this, an observation guide was used as an instrument. The results obtained in the application of the pre-test showed that in the sample population 40% are at a medium level and 80% are at a low level of pronunciation; while in the post-test, after applying the proposal of the Cooperative Games Workshop, 80% of the sample population is at a high level and 20% is at a medium level of pronunciation. Given this, the proposal of the Cooperative Games Workshop significantly improves the level of collaborative work of 3-year-old children in its various dimensions: Communication, individual and group responsibility, stimulating interaction.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Cooperación educacional, Socialización, Juego