“Impacto de la eficiencia energética en la cuantificación de la huella de carbono en pesquera Austral – Coishco 2021”
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La investigación tuvo como objetivo la evaluación del impacto de la eficiencia energética en
la cuantificación de la huella de carbono mediante la aplicación de la metodología propuesta
en la norma ISO 14064 que consiste en elaborar un inventario de emisiones de GEI
agrupadas en emisiones directas, indirectas y aquellas relacionadas con el producto. Los
resultados demuestran que la mayor cantidad de emisiones se producen en planta de proceso
92,3% de las emisiones y que la performance ambiental del proceso se ha mejorado de 1,54
t CO2e/TM harina en el 2017 a 0,79 t CO2e/TM harina al 2021.
The objective of the research was to evaluate the impact of energy efficiency in the quantification of the carbon footprint through the application of the methodology proposed in the ISO 14064 standard, which consists of preparing an inventory of GHG emissions grouped into direct, indirect and indirect emissions. those related to the product. The results show that the largest amount of emissions are produced in the processing plant 92.3% of the emissions and that the environmental performance of the process has improved from 1.54 tCO2e/MT Flour in 2017 to 0.79 tCO2e/MT Flour to 2021.
The objective of the research was to evaluate the impact of energy efficiency in the quantification of the carbon footprint through the application of the methodology proposed in the ISO 14064 standard, which consists of preparing an inventory of GHG emissions grouped into direct, indirect and indirect emissions. those related to the product. The results show that the largest amount of emissions are produced in the processing plant 92.3% of the emissions and that the environmental performance of the process has improved from 1.54 tCO2e/MT Flour in 2017 to 0.79 tCO2e/MT Flour to 2021.
Energía, Eficiencia, Huella de carbono