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Abanto Pozo Ana Elizabet
Huaman Carrera Sthefany Geovana
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
En la actualidad los residuos sólidos inorgánicos han ido en aumento debido al crecimiento de la población, siendo este un factor negativo para el medio ambiente. Esta investigación permite determinar la contaminación ambiental por residuos sólidos inorgánicos en dos sectores del río Moche (Puentes de Panamericana y Cerro Blanco). Se realizo 6 salidas, la toma de muestra se hizo en dos puntos de muestreo el cual está comprendida por 4 estaciones, realizando un barrido del área para la recolección de los datos. Se empleará una tabla elaborada por el MINAM (2019), para su identificación y posterior a ello fueron puestos en bolsas para luego ser pesados, para muestras pequeñas se empleó una balanza romana con gancho y para muestras grandes se halló su volumen, posteriormente los resultados han sido anotados en un cuaderno de campo. También se empleó la observación, se tomó fotos con una cámara digital Canon como evidencia para la descripción del lugar. Como resultado se identificaron nueve tipos de residuos sólidos inorgánicos. El total de residuos sólidos inorgánico fue de 4107.300 kg, siendo los residuos no aprovechables el de mayor peso con 1880.000 kg, seguido de textil con 457.750 kg
El residuo más abundante son los residuos no aprovechables y el de mayor grado de contaminación es el vidrio, Mediante la prueba estadística de ANOVA con un nivel de confianza de 95% se concluye que el lugar más contaminado es el Puente Panamericana
Currently, inorganic solid waste has been increasing due to population growth, which is a negative factor for the environment. This research allows us to determine the environmental contamination by inorganic solid waste in two sectors of the Moche River (Panamericana and Cerro Blanco Bridges). The sampling was carried out in two sampling points which are comprised of 4 stations, sweeping the area for data collection. A table developed by MINAM (2019) was used for identification and then they were placed in bags to be weighed, for small samples a Roman scale with hook was used for small samples and for large samples their volume was found, then the results were recorded in a field notebook. Observation was also used, photos were taken with a Canon digital camera as evidence for the description of the site. As a result, nine types of inorganic solid waste were identified. The total amount of inorganic solid waste was 4107,300 kg, with non-usable waste being the heaviest with 1880,000 kg, followed by textiles with 457,750 kg. The most abundant waste is non-usable waste and the most contaminated is glass. Using the ANOVA statistical test with a confidence level of 95%, it is concluded that the most contaminated place is the Panamerican Bridge.
Currently, inorganic solid waste has been increasing due to population growth, which is a negative factor for the environment. This research allows us to determine the environmental contamination by inorganic solid waste in two sectors of the Moche River (Panamericana and Cerro Blanco Bridges). The sampling was carried out in two sampling points which are comprised of 4 stations, sweeping the area for data collection. A table developed by MINAM (2019) was used for identification and then they were placed in bags to be weighed, for small samples a Roman scale with hook was used for small samples and for large samples their volume was found, then the results were recorded in a field notebook. Observation was also used, photos were taken with a Canon digital camera as evidence for the description of the site. As a result, nine types of inorganic solid waste were identified. The total amount of inorganic solid waste was 4107,300 kg, with non-usable waste being the heaviest with 1880,000 kg, followed by textiles with 457,750 kg. The most abundant waste is non-usable waste and the most contaminated is glass. Using the ANOVA statistical test with a confidence level of 95%, it is concluded that the most contaminated place is the Panamerican Bridge.
contaminación ambiental, residuos sólidos inorgánicos, cuenca baja río Moche.