Conservación de los ecosistemas en el Perú
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El nombre de la sesión tiene como título “Conservación de los ecosistemas en el Perú” fue ejecutada con el acompañamiento de quinto grado del nivel secundario en el curso de Ciencias Sociales, teniendo como base el desarrollo de la competencia: Gestiona responsablemente el espacio y el ambiente; donde se alcanzó el desempeño utiliza información para identificar las características de los ecosistemas mediante un organizador visual y participa en proponer alternativas de conservación a través de una infografía. La sesión trata sobre la importancia de los ecosistemas que se encuentran en el Perú y sobre todo la conservación de ellas mismas, porque últimamente están siendo afectadas por la intervención del hombre y el desarrollo de las industrias. Los procesos didácticos que se aplicaron en el desenvolvimiento de la sesión de aprendizaje fueron: motivación, saberes previos, conflicto cognitivo, propósito y desarrollo en compañía de la docente de aula quien facilita la organización de los conocimientos sobre los ecosistemas para los escolares. Finalmente, durante el desarrollo de la sesión se promovió una participación activa y constante por parte del grupo de estudiantes de manera individual y colectiva utilizando la técnica de lluvia de ideas, con el propósito a desarrollar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes y que este sea significativo para cada uno.
The name of the session is entitled "Conservation of ecosystems in Peru" was executed with the support of 5 th grade of secondary level in the course Social Sciences, based on the development of the competence: Manage responsibly the space and the environment; where the performance was achieved using information to identify the characteristics of ecosystems through a visual organizer and participates in proposing conservation alternatives through an infographic. The session deals with the importance of the ecosystems found in Peru and especially the conservation, because lately they are being affected by the intervention of man and the development of industries. The didactic techinques applied in the development of the learning session were: motivation, previous knowledge, cognitive conflict, purpose and development in the company of the classroom teacher who facilitates the organization of knowledge about ecosystems for schoolchildren. Finally, during the developing of the session an active and constant participation was promoted by the group of students individually and collectively through the brainstorming technique, in order to develop students' learning and make it meaningful to each.
The name of the session is entitled "Conservation of ecosystems in Peru" was executed with the support of 5 th grade of secondary level in the course Social Sciences, based on the development of the competence: Manage responsibly the space and the environment; where the performance was achieved using information to identify the characteristics of ecosystems through a visual organizer and participates in proposing conservation alternatives through an infographic. The session deals with the importance of the ecosystems found in Peru and especially the conservation, because lately they are being affected by the intervention of man and the development of industries. The didactic techinques applied in the development of the learning session were: motivation, previous knowledge, cognitive conflict, purpose and development in the company of the classroom teacher who facilitates the organization of knowledge about ecosystems for schoolchildren. Finally, during the developing of the session an active and constant participation was promoted by the group of students individually and collectively through the brainstorming technique, in order to develop students' learning and make it meaningful to each.
Educación, Educación secundaria, Geografía, Ecosistema