Vulneración al debido procedimiento por falta de motivación en las resoluciones de la Intendencia Regional de La Libertad - SUNAFIL, periodo 2021 - 2022.
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La Superintendencia Nacional de Fiscalización Laboral desempeña un rol protagónico en la protección del cumplimiento del ordenamiento jurídico sociolaboral y de seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Sin embargo, en algunos casos se ha perjudicado a los administrados, vulnerando y atentando contra el derecho al debido procedimiento con respecto a resoluciones emitidas. Por ello, este trabajo de investigación busca demostrar la falta de motivación en las resoluciones emitidas por la Intendencia Regional de La Libertad – SUNAFIL, entre 2021 – 2022, vulnerando así el debido procedimiento, conforme a lo resuelto por el Tribunal de Fiscalización Laboral. Utilizando un tipo de investigación aplicada con un diseño descriptivo, aplicando las técnicas de Análisis documental y jurisprudencial administrativa mediante la utilización de la Guía de Análisis Jurisprudencial para una muestra de 8 expedientes administrativos, resultados de impugnaciones realizadas por los administrados ante el Tribunal de Fiscalización Laboral entre 2021 - 2022, debido a que las resoluciones emitidas por la Intendencia Regional de La Libertad - SUNAFIL, durante dicho periodo, fueron emitidas sin una debida motivación, lo cual significa una clara vulneración al debido procedimiento, haciendo destacar de esta forma la relevancia que tiene la motivación como un elemento sustancial y deber jurídico de la Administración
ABSTRACT The National Superintendency of Labor Supervision plays a leading role in protecting compliance with the socio-labor legal system and occupational health and safety. However, in some cases, those administered have been harmed, violating and attacking the right to due procedure with respect to resolutions issued. Therefore, this research work seeks to demonstrate the lack of motivation in the resolutions issued by the Regional Administration of La Libertad - SUNAFIL, between 2021 - 2022, thus violating due procedure, in accordance with what was resolved by the Labor Inspection Court. Using a type of applied research with a descriptive design, applying the techniques of documentary analysis and administrative jurisprudence through the use of the Jurisprudential Analysis Guide for a sample of 8 administrative files, results of challenges made by those administered before the Labor Supervision Court between 2021 - 2022, because the resolutions issued by the Regional Administration of La Libertad - SUNAFIL, during said period, were issued without due motivation, which which means a clear violation of due procedure, thus highlighting the relevance of motivation as a substantial element and legal duty of the Public Administration.
ABSTRACT The National Superintendency of Labor Supervision plays a leading role in protecting compliance with the socio-labor legal system and occupational health and safety. However, in some cases, those administered have been harmed, violating and attacking the right to due procedure with respect to resolutions issued. Therefore, this research work seeks to demonstrate the lack of motivation in the resolutions issued by the Regional Administration of La Libertad - SUNAFIL, between 2021 - 2022, thus violating due procedure, in accordance with what was resolved by the Labor Inspection Court. Using a type of applied research with a descriptive design, applying the techniques of documentary analysis and administrative jurisprudence through the use of the Jurisprudential Analysis Guide for a sample of 8 administrative files, results of challenges made by those administered before the Labor Supervision Court between 2021 - 2022, because the resolutions issued by the Regional Administration of La Libertad - SUNAFIL, during said period, were issued without due motivation, which which means a clear violation of due procedure, thus highlighting the relevance of motivation as a substantial element and legal duty of the Public Administration.
Tribunal de Fiscalización Laboral, Debida motivación, Debido procedimiento