Efecto de la concentración de Erbio en la fotoluminiscencia de películas delgadas de óxido de Gadolinio obtenidas por el método sol-gel
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
En esta tesis, se aborda la síntesis de películas delgadas de Gd2O3 sin dopar y dopadas con iones de Er trivalente (Gd2O3: Er3+). Estas películas se sintetizaron mediante el método de sol-gel con deposición giratoria sobre sustrato de cuarzo y se sometieron a un tratamiento térmico a 750°C durante una hora, seguido de un enfriamiento lento. Se investigó el efecto de diferentes concentraciones de erbio (3%, 5%, 7%, 9%) en las propiedades estructurales y ópticas de las películas. Para caracterizar las películas, se utilizaron diversas técnicas analíticas, incluyendo Difracción de Rayos X (DRX), Espectroscopia Raman, Espectroscopia Ultravioleta-visible (UV-vis) y fotoluminiscencia. Los resultados de DRX revelaron una tendencia de las películas hacia la orientación del plano (4 0 0), correspondiente a una estructura cúbica. Además, se calcularon parámetros tales como el tamaño de cristalito, el parámetro de red, las distancias interplanares y la densidad de dislocaciones a partir de este patrón. La espectroscopia Raman identificó dos modos de vibración (Eg, Fg y Tg-2) relacionados con la estructura cúbica, junto con otros modos Raman que aún no han sido documentados. En lo que respecta a las propiedades ópticas, las películas exhibieron una notable absorción en longitudes de onda cortas y un ancho de banda de energía de aproximadamente 4,6 eV. Además, se evaluaron las propiedades luminiscentes, obteniendo espectros de emisión realizando excitación con longitudes de onda de 379 nm para las películas dopadas y 276 nm para las no dopadas. Se identificaron las transiciones de los iones trivalentes Gd3+ y Er3+, con emisiones en el espectro visible, observándose la concentración 5% de Er3+ como óptima para lograr la máxima luminiscencia a alrededor de 556 nm correspondiente a la transición 4S3/2→4I15/2 y bloqueo para mayores concentraciones
Abstract In this thesis, the synthesis of undoped and trivalent Erbium-doped thin films of Gd2O3(Gd2O3: Er3+) is addressed. These films were synthesized using the sol-gel method with spin-coating on quartz substrate and subjected to a thermal treatment at 750°C for one hour, followed by slow cooling. The effect of different erbium concentrations (3%, 5%, 7%, 9%) on the structural and optical properties of the films was investigated. Various analytical techniques including X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman Spectroscopy, Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) Spectroscopy, and photoluminescence were employed to characterize the films. XRD results revealed a tendency of the films towards (4 0 0) plane orientation, corresponding to a cubic structure. Additionally, parameters such as crystallite size, lattice parameter, interplanar distances, and dislocation density were calculated from this pattern. Raman spectroscopy identified two vibration modes (Eg, Fg, and Tg-2) related to the cubic structure, along with other Raman modes that have not been documented yet. Regarding optical properties, the films exhibited significant absorption at short wavelengths and an energy bandgap of approximately 4.6 eV. Furthermore, luminescent properties were evaluated, obtaining emission spectra by exciting at wavelengths of 379 nm for doped films and 276 nm for undoped ones. Transitions of trivalent ions Gd3+ and Er3+ were identified, with emissions in the visible spectrum. The 5% concentration of Er3+was found to be optimal for achieving maximum luminescence at around 556 nm corresponding to the 4S3/2→4I15/2 transition, with a decrease observed for higher concentrations
Abstract In this thesis, the synthesis of undoped and trivalent Erbium-doped thin films of Gd2O3(Gd2O3: Er3+) is addressed. These films were synthesized using the sol-gel method with spin-coating on quartz substrate and subjected to a thermal treatment at 750°C for one hour, followed by slow cooling. The effect of different erbium concentrations (3%, 5%, 7%, 9%) on the structural and optical properties of the films was investigated. Various analytical techniques including X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman Spectroscopy, Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) Spectroscopy, and photoluminescence were employed to characterize the films. XRD results revealed a tendency of the films towards (4 0 0) plane orientation, corresponding to a cubic structure. Additionally, parameters such as crystallite size, lattice parameter, interplanar distances, and dislocation density were calculated from this pattern. Raman spectroscopy identified two vibration modes (Eg, Fg, and Tg-2) related to the cubic structure, along with other Raman modes that have not been documented yet. Regarding optical properties, the films exhibited significant absorption at short wavelengths and an energy bandgap of approximately 4.6 eV. Furthermore, luminescent properties were evaluated, obtaining emission spectra by exciting at wavelengths of 379 nm for doped films and 276 nm for undoped ones. Transitions of trivalent ions Gd3+ and Er3+ were identified, with emissions in the visible spectrum. The 5% concentration of Er3+was found to be optimal for achieving maximum luminescence at around 556 nm corresponding to the 4S3/2→4I15/2 transition, with a decrease observed for higher concentrations
Películas delgadas, oxido de gadolinio, luminiscencia, dopante, transiciones electrónicas.