Hallazgo ecográfico de trombosis venosa portal en pacientes cirróticos con diagnóstico de Covid-19 en el Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo durante enero - diciembre del año 2021
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La pandemia producida por SARS COV-2 generó un alto número de infectados y muertes causados de forma directa por la enfermedad o por consecuencias de ésta, todo esto debido a que conlleva con incremento de riesgo de generar nuevas morbilidades o de agravar las previas de cada paciente.
Una causa de alta mortalidad que se vio relacionada con la población infectada por COVID-19 fue es estado de hipercoagulación que presentaron diversos tipos de pacientes, con antecedente de riesgo trombótico o sin él incrementaron el riesgo de formación de trombos a diversos niveles, tanto periféricos como centrales, en especial en pacientes con antecedentes enfermedades crónicas como la cirrosis hepática o edad avanzada; siendo uno de los hallazgos más relevantes y muchas veces hallazgos de novo una trombosis a nivel del sistema portal y sus ramas, con diagnóstico relativamente tardío provocando un estado prolongado de morbilidad, mayor tiempo de estancia hospitalaria y mayor riesgo de mortalidad, siendo esta patología de detección pronta por medio estudios de imagen, en especial el estudio ecográfico por personal capacitado y de preferencia según la literatura revisada. El presente estudio tiene como finalidad conocer y exponer la frecuencia del hallazgo de trombosis portal en pacientes cirróticos infectados por COVID-19 y que los datos obtenidos sirvan como antecedente nacional y para realización de estudios relacionados posteriores.
Abstract The pandemic caused by SARS COV-2 generated a high number of infected patients and deaths caused directly by the disease or by its consequences, all due to the increased risk of generating new morbidities or aggravating the previous ones of each patient. One of the causes of high mortality that was related to the COVID-19 infected population was the hypercoagulable state presented by various types of patients, with or without a history of thrombotic risk, increasing the risk of thrombus formation at various levels, both peripheral and central, especially in patients with a history of chronic diseases such as liver cirrhosis or advanced age; Being one of the most relevant findings and often de novo a thrombosis at the level of the portal system and its branches, with relatively late diagnosis causing a prolonged state of morbidity, longer hospital stay and increased risk of mortality, being this pathology of early detection by imaging studies, especially ultrasound study by trained personnel and preferably initial according to the literature reviewed. The purpose of this study is to know and expose the frequency of portal thrombosis findings in cirrhotic patients infected by COVID-19 and that the data obtained serve as a national antecedent and for subsequent related studies.
Abstract The pandemic caused by SARS COV-2 generated a high number of infected patients and deaths caused directly by the disease or by its consequences, all due to the increased risk of generating new morbidities or aggravating the previous ones of each patient. One of the causes of high mortality that was related to the COVID-19 infected population was the hypercoagulable state presented by various types of patients, with or without a history of thrombotic risk, increasing the risk of thrombus formation at various levels, both peripheral and central, especially in patients with a history of chronic diseases such as liver cirrhosis or advanced age; Being one of the most relevant findings and often de novo a thrombosis at the level of the portal system and its branches, with relatively late diagnosis causing a prolonged state of morbidity, longer hospital stay and increased risk of mortality, being this pathology of early detection by imaging studies, especially ultrasound study by trained personnel and preferably initial according to the literature reviewed. The purpose of this study is to know and expose the frequency of portal thrombosis findings in cirrhotic patients infected by COVID-19 and that the data obtained serve as a national antecedent and for subsequent related studies.
Trombosis Venosa Portal, COVID-19, Cirrosis Hepática, Ecografía