La procrastinación y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del Instituto Superior Leonardo Da Vinci de Trujillo en el año 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente tesis se ejecutó con el objetivo de explicar la influencia de la procrastinación en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de I ciclo de la carrera de Administración del Instituto Superior "Leonardo Da Vinci”. La muestra Está conformada por 27 estudiantes entre 16 y 32 años de I ciclo de la carrera de Administración del Instituto Superior Leonardo Da Vinci de Trujillo en el año 2023En torno a la investigación se emplearon cuatro métodos, el etnográfico, deductivo, inductivo y el estadístico; Además se emplearon técnicas como la entrevista, la encuesta y los instrumentos de verificación fueron guía de entrevista y cuestionario, siendo aplicados a los estudiantes. Los resultados obtenidos se manifiestan que en los estudiantes de I ciclo de la carrera de Administración del Instituto Superior Leonardo Da Vinci predomina la característica procrastinadora perfeccionista. De acuerdo a los datos obtenidos se propone que es importante tener un buen manejo y organización de tiempo, para lograr realizar satisfactoriamente cada una de las actividades.
ABSTRACT The present thesis was carried out with the aim of explaining the influence of procrastination on the academic performance of first-year students in the Administration program at the "Leonardo Da Vinci" Higher Institute. The sample consisted of 27 students between 16 and 32 years old from the first year of the Administration program at the Leonardo Da Vinci Higher Institute in Trujillo in the year 2023. Four methods were employed in the research: ethnographic, deductive, inductive, and statistical. Additionally, techniques such as interviews, surveys, and verification instruments (interview guide and questionnaire) were used and applied to the students. The results obtained indicate that the procrastinator-perfectionist characteristic predominates among the first-year students in the Administration program at the Leonardo Da Vinci Higher Institute. According to the data obtained, it is proposed that it is important to have good time management and organization in order to successfully carry out each of the activities.
ABSTRACT The present thesis was carried out with the aim of explaining the influence of procrastination on the academic performance of first-year students in the Administration program at the "Leonardo Da Vinci" Higher Institute. The sample consisted of 27 students between 16 and 32 years old from the first year of the Administration program at the Leonardo Da Vinci Higher Institute in Trujillo in the year 2023. Four methods were employed in the research: ethnographic, deductive, inductive, and statistical. Additionally, techniques such as interviews, surveys, and verification instruments (interview guide and questionnaire) were used and applied to the students. The results obtained indicate that the procrastinator-perfectionist characteristic predominates among the first-year students in the Administration program at the Leonardo Da Vinci Higher Institute. According to the data obtained, it is proposed that it is important to have good time management and organization in order to successfully carry out each of the activities.
Estrés académico, Desempeño académico, Educación superior