Factores socioculturales que influyen en la maternidad adolescente en el CP. Barranquita – Provincia El Dorado – Región San Martín – 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El objetivo de esta investigación fue explicar los factores socioculturales que influyen en las madres adolescentes en el CP. De Barranquita - Provincia El Dorado - Región de San Martín – 2023. La elección de este tema de investigación se dio debido al gran impacto que tiene este problema hoy en día para la sociedad. En la Región San Martín según las estadísticas, hay un alto índice con respecto a casos de embarazos adolescentes, por ello, dicha región se encuentra en el séptimo lugar a nivel nacional, y a nivel provincial se ubica en octavo puesto; datos que evidencian que, los casos sobre los embarazos adolescentes son comunes en la Región. Frente a esta situación, es necesario reafirmar que los diversos factores socioculturales existentes en las comunidades de la Provincia El Dorado influyen en el alto índice de embarazos a temprana edad. Por lo tanto, para poder responder al problema de la investigación ¿De qué manera los factores socioculturales influyen en la maternidad adolescente en el CP. Barranquita - Provincia El Dorado - Región de San Martín – 2023?, se analizó los diversos casos sobre del Centro Poblado de Barranquita, el cual está ubicado en la Provincia El Dorado, previo a ello se hizo una selección de 30 madres adolescentes del lugar antes mencionado. A partir de ello, se obtuvo como conclusión general que, los factores socioculturales son los elementos que condicionan una determinada situación, volviéndose los causantes de la producción de un hecho, en este caso, los factores que influyen significativamente en la maternidad adolescente son el entorno familiar, el entorno educativo, el entorno social, el entorno cultural, el escaso conocimiento sobre salud sexual y métodos anticonceptivos y la práctica sexual activa a temprana edad. Hechos que seguirán reproduciéndose en las siguientes generaciones si no se presta una atención y solución especial a este fenómeno social.
ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to explain the sociocultural factors that influence teenage mothers in the CP. From Barranquita - El Dorado Province - San Martín Region - 2023, the choice of this research topic was due to the great impact that this problem has today for society. In the San Martín Region, according to statistics, there is a high rate of cases of teenage pregnancies, therefore, this region is in seventh place nationally, and at the provincial level it is in eighth place; data that show that cases of teenage pregnancies are common in the Region. Faced with this situation, it is necessary to reaffirm that the various sociocultural factors existing in the various communities of the El Dorado Province influence the high rate of pregnancies at an early age. Therefore, in order to respond to the research problem How do sociocultural factors influence teenage motherhood in the CP. Barranquita - El Dorado Province - San Martín Region - 2023?, the various cases of the Barranquita Population Center were analyzed, which is located in the El Dorado Province, prior to which a selection of 30 teenage mothers from the aforementioned place was made. Since sociocultural factors are the elements that condition a certain situation, becoming the cause of the production of a fact, in this case, the factors that significantly influence teenage motherhood are the family environment, the educational environment, the social environment, the cultural environment, the limited knowledge about sexual health and contraceptive methods and active sexual practice at an early age. Facts that will continue to be reproduced in the following generations it special attention and solution is not given to this social phenomenon.
ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to explain the sociocultural factors that influence teenage mothers in the CP. From Barranquita - El Dorado Province - San Martín Region - 2023, the choice of this research topic was due to the great impact that this problem has today for society. In the San Martín Region, according to statistics, there is a high rate of cases of teenage pregnancies, therefore, this region is in seventh place nationally, and at the provincial level it is in eighth place; data that show that cases of teenage pregnancies are common in the Region. Faced with this situation, it is necessary to reaffirm that the various sociocultural factors existing in the various communities of the El Dorado Province influence the high rate of pregnancies at an early age. Therefore, in order to respond to the research problem How do sociocultural factors influence teenage motherhood in the CP. Barranquita - El Dorado Province - San Martín Region - 2023?, the various cases of the Barranquita Population Center were analyzed, which is located in the El Dorado Province, prior to which a selection of 30 teenage mothers from the aforementioned place was made. Since sociocultural factors are the elements that condition a certain situation, becoming the cause of the production of a fact, in this case, the factors that significantly influence teenage motherhood are the family environment, the educational environment, the social environment, the cultural environment, the limited knowledge about sexual health and contraceptive methods and active sexual practice at an early age. Facts that will continue to be reproduced in the following generations it special attention and solution is not given to this social phenomenon.
Vida sexual activa, Entorno social, Entorno familiar, Entorno educativo