Gestión de la cadena de suministro para incrementar la productividad de la empresa Inversiones Textiles Paula E.I.R.L., Trujillo, 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar en qué medida la cadena de suministros incrementa en la productividad de la empresa Inversiones Textiles Paula E.I.R.L de la ciudad de Trujillo, 2023. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada, con un enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño experimental de tipo pre-experimental. La población estuvo conformada por los procesos de inventarios, compras y almacenamiento. Para el diagnóstico de la situación actual, se utilizaron herramientas como: diagrama de Ishikawa, Pareto, formatos para registros de eficiencia, eficacia y productividad, además de mapa de proceso, fichas de indicadores. Los hallazgos indicaron que la productividad actual fue de 72% las causas de la baja productividad están asociadas a la inexistencia de flujos de trabajo, inexistencia indicadores por procesos, demora en los despachos a clientes, no hay stocks de telas, procesos de confección ineficientes, demora de proveedores y maquinaria inoperativa. Luego se la aplicación de la mejor de procesos a la cadena de suministros, se obtuvo una productividad de 88%, logrando un incremento del 25.53%, asimismo, se obtuvo un indicador Beneficio/Costo de la propuesta fue de 4.12, lo cual indica que es indicador positivo que sugiere una alta rentabilidad y un retorno significativo sobre la inversión.
The objective of the research was to determine to what extent the supply chain increases the productivity of the company Inversiones Textiles Paula E.I.R.L in the city of Trujillo, 2023. The research was applied, with a quantitative approach and an experimental design. pre-experimental. The population was made up of the inventory, purchasing and storage processes. To diagnose the current situation, tools were used such as: Ishikawa diagram, Pareto, formats for efficiency, effectiveness and productivity records, as well as a process map, indicator sheets. The findings indicated that the current productivity was 72%. The causes of low productivity are associated with the non-existence of work flows, non-existence of process indicators, delays in deliveries to clients, no stocks of fabrics, inefficient manufacturing processes, delay of suppliers and inoperative machinery. Then, the application of the best processes to the supply chain, a productivity of 88% was obtained, achieving an increase of 25.53%, likewise, a Benefit/Cost indicator of the proposal was 4.12, which indicates that It is a positive indicator that suggests high profitability and a significant return on investment.
The objective of the research was to determine to what extent the supply chain increases the productivity of the company Inversiones Textiles Paula E.I.R.L in the city of Trujillo, 2023. The research was applied, with a quantitative approach and an experimental design. pre-experimental. The population was made up of the inventory, purchasing and storage processes. To diagnose the current situation, tools were used such as: Ishikawa diagram, Pareto, formats for efficiency, effectiveness and productivity records, as well as a process map, indicator sheets. The findings indicated that the current productivity was 72%. The causes of low productivity are associated with the non-existence of work flows, non-existence of process indicators, delays in deliveries to clients, no stocks of fabrics, inefficient manufacturing processes, delay of suppliers and inoperative machinery. Then, the application of the best processes to the supply chain, a productivity of 88% was obtained, achieving an increase of 25.53%, likewise, a Benefit/Cost indicator of the proposal was 4.12, which indicates that It is a positive indicator that suggests high profitability and a significant return on investment.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History