Transformación digital y su impacto en la gestión empresarial de las empresas consultoras de talento humano, Trujillo -2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación analizó el impacto de la transformación digital en la gestión
empresarial de las empresas consultoras de talento humano de Trujillo, en el periodo 2022,
para lo cual aplicó una metodología basada en un enfoque cuantitativo- correlacional y se
utilizó técnicas como la encuesta a gerentes en función a las variables, dimensiones e
indicadores de la investigación. Asimismo, determinó mediante el coeficiente de correlación
Spearman, el grado de asociación de las variables investigadas. Los resultados evidenciaron
que después de analizar las 53 empresas consultoras de talento humano, se precisa una
correlación alta, es decir, se determinó que la Transformación Digital tiene un impacto
positivo en la Gestión Empresarial, rechazando la hipótesis nula de la investigación.
Se propuso la implementación de un sistema de información web, como parte del capítulo
correspondiente a la propuesta de la presente investigación, donde se pueda integrar los
procesos de las consultoras de talento humano, permitiéndoles optimizar el tiempo en sus
procesos, verificar el cumplimiento de sus procesos, toma de decisiones oportunas y conocer
la rentabilidad que tienen por rangos de tiempos y por servicios brindados.
This research analyzed the impact of digital transformation on the business management of human talent consulting firms in Trujillo, in the period 2022, for which it applied a methodology based on a quantitative-correlational approach and used techniques such as a survey of managers according to the variables, dimensions and indicators of the research. Likewise, the degree of association of the variables investigated was determined by means of the Spearman correlation coefficient. The results showed that after analyzing the 53 human talent consulting companies, a high correlation was found, i.e., it was determined that Digital Transformation has a positive impact on Business Management, rejecting the null hypothesis of the research. The implementation of a web information system was proposed, as part of the chapter corresponding to the proposal of this research, where the processes of the human talent consulting firms can be integrated, allowing them to optimize the time in their processes, verify the compliance of their processes, make timely decisions and know the profitability they have by time ranges and services provided.
This research analyzed the impact of digital transformation on the business management of human talent consulting firms in Trujillo, in the period 2022, for which it applied a methodology based on a quantitative-correlational approach and used techniques such as a survey of managers according to the variables, dimensions and indicators of the research. Likewise, the degree of association of the variables investigated was determined by means of the Spearman correlation coefficient. The results showed that after analyzing the 53 human talent consulting companies, a high correlation was found, i.e., it was determined that Digital Transformation has a positive impact on Business Management, rejecting the null hypothesis of the research. The implementation of a web information system was proposed, as part of the chapter corresponding to the proposal of this research, where the processes of the human talent consulting firms can be integrated, allowing them to optimize the time in their processes, verify the compliance of their processes, make timely decisions and know the profitability they have by time ranges and services provided.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History