Nivel de conocimiento materno sobre alimentación saludable y hábitos alimentarios de preescolares
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación descriptiva correlacional, tuvo como objeto de estudio a madres de preescolares con el objetivo de determinar si existe relación entre el nivel de conocimiento materno sobre alimentación saludable y hábitos alimentarios de preescolares de la Institución Educativa Francisco de Zela N° 80028 - El Porvenir, 2023. La muestra fueron 66 madres de preescolares de 3, 4 y 5 años. Para la correlación de los datos se aplicaron los cuestionarios: Nivel de conocimiento materno sobre alimentación saludable del preescolar y Hábitos alimentarios del preescolar. Los resultados fueron presentados en tablas estadísticas de doble entrada, donde la información se analizó mediante el coeficiente Tau C de Kendall, debido a que la escala de medición de las variables es diferente, para poder determinar la asociación ordinal entre variables. Se encontró que existe una correlación positiva media entre las variables nivel de conocimiento materno y los hábitos alimentarios, como resultado se obtuvo un Tau C de Kendall de correlación de r= 0.789, con un nivel de significancia p=0.00. Se concluye que, existe una correlación significativa entre el nivel de conocimiento materno sobre alimentación saludable y hábitos alimentarios en los preescolares de la Institución Educativa Francisco de Zela N°80028 - El Porvenir
The present descriptive correlational research had mothers of preschoolers as its object of study with the objective of determining if there is a relationship between the level of maternal knowledge about healthy eating and eating habits of preschoolers from the Francisco de Zela Educational Institution N° 80028 - El Porvenir, 2023. The sample was 66 mothers of preschoolers aged 3, 4 and 5 years. To correlate the data, the questionnaires were applied: Level of maternal knowledge about healthy eating in preschoolers and Eating habits in preschoolers. The results were presented in double-entry statistical tables, where the information was analyzed using Kendall's Tau C coefficient, because the measurement scale of the variables is different, in order to determine the ordinal association between variables. It was found that there is a medium positive correlation between the variables level of maternal knowledge and eating habits, as a result a Kendall's Tau C correlation of r= 0.789 was obtained, with a significance level p=0.00. It is concluded that there is a significant correlation between the level of maternal knowledge about healthy eating and eating habits in the preschoolers of the Francisco de Zela Educational Institution N°80028 - El Porvenir
The present descriptive correlational research had mothers of preschoolers as its object of study with the objective of determining if there is a relationship between the level of maternal knowledge about healthy eating and eating habits of preschoolers from the Francisco de Zela Educational Institution N° 80028 - El Porvenir, 2023. The sample was 66 mothers of preschoolers aged 3, 4 and 5 years. To correlate the data, the questionnaires were applied: Level of maternal knowledge about healthy eating in preschoolers and Eating habits in preschoolers. The results were presented in double-entry statistical tables, where the information was analyzed using Kendall's Tau C coefficient, because the measurement scale of the variables is different, in order to determine the ordinal association between variables. It was found that there is a medium positive correlation between the variables level of maternal knowledge and eating habits, as a result a Kendall's Tau C correlation of r= 0.789 was obtained, with a significance level p=0.00. It is concluded that there is a significant correlation between the level of maternal knowledge about healthy eating and eating habits in the preschoolers of the Francisco de Zela Educational Institution N°80028 - El Porvenir
Alimentación Saludable
Hábitos Alimentarios