Estrategia TECI para mejorar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de educación primaria de una institución educativa, Trujillo, 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
En la presente investigación titulada “Estrategia TECI para mejorar la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de educación primaria de una Institución Educativa, Trujillo, 2023”, cuyo objetivo general es determinar en qué medida la estrategia TECI mejora la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de sexto grado de educación primaria del Centro Educativo Experimental Rafael Narváez Cadenillas, Trujillo, 2023. El enfoque asumido en esta investigación es el cuantitativo y es de tipo aplicada, así mismo el tipo de diseño es cuasi experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 52 estudiantes, donde el grupo control estuvo constituido por 25 estudiantes de la sección "D" y el grupo experimental por 27 estudiantes de la sección "C" del 6° del nivel primaria. La técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y la observación, así también, el instrumento para la variable dependiente fue el test y para la variable independiente fue la lista de cotejo. Sumado a lo anterior, el análisis de datos se realizó mediante la prueba T - Student, cuyo valor p (0.000) fue menor al 5% de significancia (0.05), llegando a la conclusión que la estrategia TECI mejora significativamente la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes de sexto grado de educación primaria del Centro Educativo Experimental Rafael Narváez Cadenillas, Trujillo, 2023.
In the present research entitled “TECI strategy to improve reading comprehension in elementary school students of an educational institution, Trujillo, 2023”, whose general objective is to determine to what extent the TECI strategy improves reading comprehension in sixth grade elementary school students of the Rafael Narváez Cadenillas Experimental Educational Center, Trujillo, 2023. The approach assumed in this research is quantitative and it is of an applied type, likewise the type of design is quasi-experimental. The sample consisted of 52 students, where the control group consisted of 25 students from section “D” and the experimental group consisted of 27 students from section “C” of the 6th grade of elementary school. The technique used was the survey and observation; also, the instrument for the dependent variable was the test and for the independent variable was the checklist. In addition to the above, the data analysis was performed by means of the T - Student test, whose p-value (0.000) was less than 5% significance (0.05), reaching the conclusion that the TECI strategy significantly improves reading comprehension in sixth grade students of the Rafael Narváez Cadenillas Experimental Educational Center, Trujillo, 2023.
In the present research entitled “TECI strategy to improve reading comprehension in elementary school students of an educational institution, Trujillo, 2023”, whose general objective is to determine to what extent the TECI strategy improves reading comprehension in sixth grade elementary school students of the Rafael Narváez Cadenillas Experimental Educational Center, Trujillo, 2023. The approach assumed in this research is quantitative and it is of an applied type, likewise the type of design is quasi-experimental. The sample consisted of 52 students, where the control group consisted of 25 students from section “D” and the experimental group consisted of 27 students from section “C” of the 6th grade of elementary school. The technique used was the survey and observation; also, the instrument for the dependent variable was the test and for the independent variable was the checklist. In addition to the above, the data analysis was performed by means of the T - Student test, whose p-value (0.000) was less than 5% significance (0.05), reaching the conclusion that the TECI strategy significantly improves reading comprehension in sixth grade students of the Rafael Narváez Cadenillas Experimental Educational Center, Trujillo, 2023.
Educación, Comunicación, Lectura, Método de enseñanza, Aprendizaje activo