Factores que inciden en la participación de los docentes en actividades del Departamento Académico de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2024
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La tesis titulada: Factores que inciden en la participación de los docentes en actividades del Departamento Académico de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2024; se realizó con el objetivo de Analizar la incidencia de los factores en la participación de los docentes en las actividades del Departamento Académico de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Esta investigación fue posible debido a la participación de los docentes en mención, quienes representan el universo muestral. Para comprender la relación entre variables e indicadores, se usaron los métodos: analítico - sintético, inductivo deductivo y estadístico; además de la aplicación de técnicas de recolección de datos como la encuesta y la entrevista respectivamente. Para facilitar la comprensión de la incidencia y relación entre variables e indicadores, se han utilizado como referencia estudios de investigación y fundamentos teóricos tales como: La Teoría de las Necesidades de Maslow, La Teoría de las necesidades de McClelland, La teoría General de sistemas y el enfoque democrático de Roseau en la participación. Los resultados derivados del análisis realizado indican que, los factores personales y familiares inciden de manera directa en la participación de los docentes en las actividades del Departamento Académico de Ciencias Sociales. Donde, son los factores personales los que motivan a los docentes a seguir destacando en el programa de estudios al que están adscritos.
ABSTRACT The thesis titled: Factors Influencing Teachers' Participation in Activities of the Academic Department of Social Sciences, National University of Trujillo, 2024; was conducted with the aim of analysing the impact of these factors on teachers' participation in the activities of the Academic Department of Social Sciences at the National University of Trujillo. This research was made possible by the participation of the mentioned teachers, who represent the sample population. To understand the relationship between variables and indicators, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, and statistical methods were employed, along with data collection techniques such as surveys and interviews. To facilitate understanding of the incidence and relationship between variables and indicators, references were made to research studies and theoretical foundations such as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, McClelland's Theory of Needs, General Systems Theory, and Rousseau's democratic approach to participation. The results derived from the analysis indicate that personal and familial factors have a direct influence on teachers' participation in the activities of the Academic Department of Social Sciences, where personal factors motivate teachers to continue excelling in the study programme to which they are assigned.
ABSTRACT The thesis titled: Factors Influencing Teachers' Participation in Activities of the Academic Department of Social Sciences, National University of Trujillo, 2024; was conducted with the aim of analysing the impact of these factors on teachers' participation in the activities of the Academic Department of Social Sciences at the National University of Trujillo. This research was made possible by the participation of the mentioned teachers, who represent the sample population. To understand the relationship between variables and indicators, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, and statistical methods were employed, along with data collection techniques such as surveys and interviews. To facilitate understanding of the incidence and relationship between variables and indicators, references were made to research studies and theoretical foundations such as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, McClelland's Theory of Needs, General Systems Theory, and Rousseau's democratic approach to participation. The results derived from the analysis indicate that personal and familial factors have a direct influence on teachers' participation in the activities of the Academic Department of Social Sciences, where personal factors motivate teachers to continue excelling in the study programme to which they are assigned.
Sentido de pertenencia , Factores personales, Compromiso académico