Aplicación de shotcrete en la estabilidad de taludes de gran altura en la carretera La Ramada Sartimbamba Sánchez Carrión 2024
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Este trabajo de investigación fue realizado en el distrito Sartimbamba provincia Sánchez
Carrión, departamento La Libertad, se determinó la influencia de la aplicación de
shotcrete en la estabilidad de taludes de gran altura, para la ejecución de la tesis se utilizó
un diseño experimental, cuasi experimental, y la técnica de muestreo fue no probabilística
por juicio, la recolección de datos se realizó con la técnica de la observación, usando la
guía de observación como instrumento, para analizar los datos se empleó la estadística
inferencial. La inestabilidad en los taludes de carreteras es un problema muy frecuente
que genera deslizamientos grandes masas de suelo que impide la transitabilidad,
afectando las actividades económicas y sociales de los usuarios de la vía y generando
cuantiosas pérdidas. En el análisis de estabilidad se encontraron valores del factor de
seguridad que exceden 1.5 para condición estática y 1.25 para pseudo estática,
concluyendo finalmente que el primer talud logro la estabilidad aplicando 14 cm de
shotcrete ya que con este espesor se obtuvo factores de seguridad que superan el valor
mínimo establecido por la norma, el segundo y tercer talud se estabilizaron con 12 cm,
mientras que el cuarto y quinto lo hicieron con 16 cm todo esto para un análisis en
condición estática y en condición pseudo estática
This research work was carried out in the Sartimbamba district, Sanchez Carrion province, La Libertad department, the influence of the application of shotcrete on the stability of slopes of great height was determined, for the execution of the thesis an experimental, quasi-experimental design was used, and the sampling technique was nonprobabilistic by judgment, the data collection was carried out with the observation technique, using the observation guide as an instrument, to analyze the data inferential statistics was used. The instability of road slopes is a very frequent problem that generates landslides of large masses of soil that impede trafficability, affecting the economic and social activities of road users and generating substantial losses. In the stability analysis, safety factor values exceeding 1.5 for static condition and 1.25 for pseudo-static condition were found, finally concluding that the first slope achieved stability by applying 14 cm of shotcrete since with this thickness safety factors exceeding the minimum value established by the standard were obtained, the second and third slopes were stabilized with 12 cm, while the fourth and fifth were stabilized with 16 cm, all this for an analysis in static and pseudo-static condition.
This research work was carried out in the Sartimbamba district, Sanchez Carrion province, La Libertad department, the influence of the application of shotcrete on the stability of slopes of great height was determined, for the execution of the thesis an experimental, quasi-experimental design was used, and the sampling technique was nonprobabilistic by judgment, the data collection was carried out with the observation technique, using the observation guide as an instrument, to analyze the data inferential statistics was used. The instability of road slopes is a very frequent problem that generates landslides of large masses of soil that impede trafficability, affecting the economic and social activities of road users and generating substantial losses. In the stability analysis, safety factor values exceeding 1.5 for static condition and 1.25 for pseudo-static condition were found, finally concluding that the first slope achieved stability by applying 14 cm of shotcrete since with this thickness safety factors exceeding the minimum value established by the standard were obtained, the second and third slopes were stabilized with 12 cm, while the fourth and fifth were stabilized with 16 cm, all this for an analysis in static and pseudo-static condition.
TECHNOLOGY::Civil engineering and architecture