Manual Didáctico Seeking for Connection para desarrollar una segunda lengua en la práctica docente de educación inicial, Trujillo - 2022
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Donnelly Cardoso, Linsey-Ruth
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación titulado Manual Didáctico Seeking for Connection para desarrollar una segunda lengua en la práctica docente de educación inicial, tiene como objetivo diseñar el manual didáctico Seeking for Connection para mejorar el desarrollo de una segunda lengua en la práctica docente de Educación Inicial. El diseño de esta investigación corresponde al de tipo descriptiva no experimental propositiva, con una muestra formada docentes del salón de infantes de 3 años de un centro educativo estatal de Trujillo; obteniendo como resultado que un 83% de los docentes presentan un nivel bajo de desarrollo de una segunda lengua mientras que el 17% en un nivel medio. El obtener estos resultados, llevaron a la elaboración de esta propuesta del Manual Didáctico Seeking for Connection como una herramienta indispensable para cualquier docente que se enfrente a la tarea y desafío de enseñar una segunda lengua en el aula de educación inicial.
The present research work entitled Teaching Manual Seeking for Connection to develop a second language in early childhood education teaching practice, aims to design the Teaching Manual Seeking for Connection to improve the development of a second language in early education teaching practice. The design of this research is descriptive, non-experimental and propositional, with a sample of teachers from the 3-year-old infant classroom of a public educational centre in Trujillo; obtaining as a result that 83% of the teachers have a low level of second language development, while 17% have a medium level. These results led to the development of the Teaching Manual Seeking for Connection as an indispensable tool for any teacher facing the task and challenge of teaching a second language in the early education classroom.
The present research work entitled Teaching Manual Seeking for Connection to develop a second language in early childhood education teaching practice, aims to design the Teaching Manual Seeking for Connection to improve the development of a second language in early education teaching practice. The design of this research is descriptive, non-experimental and propositional, with a sample of teachers from the 3-year-old infant classroom of a public educational centre in Trujillo; obtaining as a result that 83% of the teachers have a low level of second language development, while 17% have a medium level. These results led to the development of the Teaching Manual Seeking for Connection as an indispensable tool for any teacher facing the task and challenge of teaching a second language in the early education classroom.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Bilingüismo, Enseñanza de idiomas