Taller Lúdico, Kuyuy, para el desarrollo de la lateralidad de niños de 4 años de una Institución Educativa, Trujillo-2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación parte de las observaciones a los niños de 4 años durante las actividades diarias. Ante lo observado, se propuso crear la propuesta titulada: Taller Lúdico Kuyuy para el desarrollo de la lateralidad de niños de 4 años de una Institución Educativa, Trujillo-2022 que tuvo como objetivo general determinar en qué medida el Taller Lúdico Kuyuy, mejora el nivel de desarrollo de la lateralidad de los niños de 4 años de la I.E.I. N° 1638 Pasitos de Jesús, Trujillo-2022. La investigación es Cuantitativa - aplicada, con diseño pre-experimental. Dicha investigación fue ejecutada con una muestra constituida por 16 niños de 4 años, utilizando como instrumento de evaluación una guía de observación, teniendo en cuenta las dimensiones: dominancia podal, dominancia ocular, dominancia auditiva y dominancia manual. Los resultados obtenidos en el pretest arrojaron que el 69% de los niños obtuvieron un nivel en proceso y el 31% en inicio de desarrollo de la lateralidad. Pero en el post test el 87.5% alcanzaron un nivel logrado y el 12.5% un nivel en proceso. En conclusión, se evidencia una mejora en el desarrollo de la lateralidad y eso se debe a la aplicación del taller propuesto.
The present investigation is based on observations of 4 year old children during daily activities. Given what was observed, it was proposed to create the proposal titled: Playful Workshop Kuyuy for the development of the laterality of 4 year old children of an Educational Institution, Trujillo-2022, which had the general objective of determining to what extent the Playful Workshop Kuyuy improves the level of development of laterality of 4 year old children of the I.E.I. N° 1638 Pasitos de Jesus, Trujillo-2022. The investigation is Quantitative-applied, with pre-experimental design. This research was carried out with a sample consisting of 16 4 year old children, using an observation guide as an evaluation instrument, taking into account the dimensions: foot dominance, ocular dominance, auditory dominance and manual dominance. The results obtained in the pre-test showed that 69% of the children obtained a level in process and 31% in beginning of development of laterality. But in the post-test, 87.5% reached an achieved level and 12.5% reached a level in progress. In conclusion, an improvement in the development of laterality is evident and this is due to the application of the proposed workshop.
The present investigation is based on observations of 4 year old children during daily activities. Given what was observed, it was proposed to create the proposal titled: Playful Workshop Kuyuy for the development of the laterality of 4 year old children of an Educational Institution, Trujillo-2022, which had the general objective of determining to what extent the Playful Workshop Kuyuy improves the level of development of laterality of 4 year old children of the I.E.I. N° 1638 Pasitos de Jesus, Trujillo-2022. The investigation is Quantitative-applied, with pre-experimental design. This research was carried out with a sample consisting of 16 4 year old children, using an observation guide as an evaluation instrument, taking into account the dimensions: foot dominance, ocular dominance, auditory dominance and manual dominance. The results obtained in the pre-test showed that 69% of the children obtained a level in process and 31% in beginning of development of laterality. But in the post-test, 87.5% reached an achieved level and 12.5% reached a level in progress. In conclusion, an improvement in the development of laterality is evident and this is due to the application of the proposed workshop.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Taller educativo, Juego educativo