Dimensionamiento de diques considerando simulación hidráulica bidimensional para reducción de vulnerabilidad física por inundación en Río Huamanzaña La Libertad 2023
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.
Esta investigación fue desarrollada en la ciudad de Trujillo, La Libertad investigación de la
Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Se realizó un dimensionamiento de diques por medio de
simulación bidimensional para la reducción de vulnerabilidad física por inundación en el rio
Huamanzaña, sector Monte Grande. La presente investigación es del tipo no experimental,
debido a que se hizo la selección de la zona de estudio por juicio de expertos y no mediante
selección probabilística; se recopilo datos pluviométricos del SENAMHI; por medio de un
levantamiento con GPS diferencial se obtuvo la topografía del lugar además de realizar los
estudios de suelos con calicatas en el cauce del río. Para el análisis de datos hidrológicos se
utilizó programas como HYDROGNOMON, HEC-HMS, AutoCAD 2D y Microsoft Excel;
para los datos topográficos, el programa AutoCAD Civil 3D y para el diseño hidráulico se
utilizó el programa HEC-RAS y Microsoft Excel. El problema que pretende solucionar la
presente investigación es la alta vulnerabilidad física por inundación que existe en el rio
Huamanzaña que llega a afectar centros poblados, terrenos de cultivo, infraestructura mayor
como la del Proyecto Especial Chavimochic y vías de acceso. Como resultado se proyecta
un ancho mínimo del rio en 40 m con diques de 3.5 m de altura y un enrocado de espesor
medio 1.6 m para ambas márgenes. La propuesta reduce la vulnerabilidad física por
inundación de 0.81 clasificado como muy alto a un valor de 0.24 clasificado como baja,
siendo esto comprobado por medio de una simulación hidráulica bidimensional del escenario
de máxima avenida que muestra el correcto funcionamiento de las estructuras proyectadas,
protegiendo así a la población e infraestructura adyacente.
This research was developed in the city of Trujillo, La Libertad research of the National University of Trujillo. Dam sizing was carried out through two-dimensional simulation to reduce physical vulnerability due to flooding in the Huamanzaña River, Monte Grande sector. The present research is non-experimental, because the selection of the study area was made by expert judgment and not by probabilistic selection; SENAMHI rainfall data was collected; Through a survey with differential GPS, the topography of the place was obtained in addition to carrying out soil studies with pits in the riverbed. Programs such as HYDROGNOMON, HEC-HMS, AutoCAD 2D and Microsoft Excel were used to analyze hydrological data; For the topographic data, the AutoCAD Civil 3D program was used, and for the hydraulic design, the HEC-RAS program and Microsoft Excel were used. The problem that this research aims to solve is the high physical vulnerability due to flooding that exists in the Huamanzaña River that affects population centers, farmland, major infrastructure such as that of the Chavimochic Special Project and access roads. As a result, a minimum width of the river is projected to be 40 m with 3.5 m high dikes and rockfill with an average thickness of 1.6 m for both banks. The proposal reduces the physical vulnerability due to flooding from 0.81 classified as very high to a value of 0.24 classified as low, this being verified through a two-dimensional hydraulic simulation of the maximum flood scenario that shows the correct functioning of the projected structures, thus protecting to the population and adjacent infrastructure.
This research was developed in the city of Trujillo, La Libertad research of the National University of Trujillo. Dam sizing was carried out through two-dimensional simulation to reduce physical vulnerability due to flooding in the Huamanzaña River, Monte Grande sector. The present research is non-experimental, because the selection of the study area was made by expert judgment and not by probabilistic selection; SENAMHI rainfall data was collected; Through a survey with differential GPS, the topography of the place was obtained in addition to carrying out soil studies with pits in the riverbed. Programs such as HYDROGNOMON, HEC-HMS, AutoCAD 2D and Microsoft Excel were used to analyze hydrological data; For the topographic data, the AutoCAD Civil 3D program was used, and for the hydraulic design, the HEC-RAS program and Microsoft Excel were used. The problem that this research aims to solve is the high physical vulnerability due to flooding that exists in the Huamanzaña River that affects population centers, farmland, major infrastructure such as that of the Chavimochic Special Project and access roads. As a result, a minimum width of the river is projected to be 40 m with 3.5 m high dikes and rockfill with an average thickness of 1.6 m for both banks. The proposal reduces the physical vulnerability due to flooding from 0.81 classified as very high to a value of 0.24 classified as low, this being verified through a two-dimensional hydraulic simulation of the maximum flood scenario that shows the correct functioning of the projected structures, thus protecting to the population and adjacent infrastructure.
TECHNOLOGY::Civil engineering and architecture