Estudio de tecnología de pesca en la comunidad marina de Pampa la Cruz durante el Intermedio Temprano - valle de Moche
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La comunidad marina de Pampa la Cruz presenta una compleja estructura social a nivel doméstico y no doméstico, en donde las estrategias y modos de vida se reconfiguraron continuamente de acuerdo a las prácticas económicas, simbólicas e ideológicas que significó la pesca durante el Intermedio Temprano para la ocupación Virú y Moche. El estudio tecnológico de los instrumentos de pesca como anzuelos, redes, malleros y pesas, nos indica que los pescadores de Pampa la Cruz aprovecharon múltiples especies ictiológicas. Sin embargo, dichos instrumentos no se limitan a una sola perspectiva de producción, sino, encierran aspectos de la vida cotidiana y decisiones que se ejecutaron para tal labor. A su vez, la utilización del metal en anzuelos le otorgó una carga simbólica que lo diferenció al resto de implementos, provocando jerarquías y rangos en estas sociedades dentro de un contexto ideológico y religioso que justificaron su limitado uso.
ABSTRACT Pampa la Cruz marine’s community present a complex and social structure at a domestic and non-domestic level where the strategies and life styles are continuously reconfigured according to the economic, symbolic and ideological practices that fishing during the Early Intermediate meant, both for the Virú and Moche occupation. The technological studies of fishing tools such as hooks, fish nets, mesh tools and stone sinkers show us that the Pampa la Cruz fishermen took advantage of the diversity of the ichtyological species. However, these artifacts are not limited to one single perspective from their activities but also includes aspects of daily life and decisions that were executed for such work. At the same time, the use of metal on hooks gave it a symbolic charge that differentiated it from other implements, causing hierarchies and ranks within the societies in an ideological and religious context that justified its limited use
ABSTRACT Pampa la Cruz marine’s community present a complex and social structure at a domestic and non-domestic level where the strategies and life styles are continuously reconfigured according to the economic, symbolic and ideological practices that fishing during the Early Intermediate meant, both for the Virú and Moche occupation. The technological studies of fishing tools such as hooks, fish nets, mesh tools and stone sinkers show us that the Pampa la Cruz fishermen took advantage of the diversity of the ichtyological species. However, these artifacts are not limited to one single perspective from their activities but also includes aspects of daily life and decisions that were executed for such work. At the same time, the use of metal on hooks gave it a symbolic charge that differentiated it from other implements, causing hierarchies and ranks within the societies in an ideological and religious context that justified its limited use
Cultura Virú, Estrategias de pesca, Cultura Mochica