Huaca Mochan: fases constructivas y función de un sitio monumental del periodo intermedio temprano en el valle bajo de Virú
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Huaca Mochan, ubicado en el valle medio de Virú, margen derecho (aguas arriba) del río del mismo nombre, a 1 km del caserío de Calunga. Es un sitio de carácter monumental en forma de “L” orientado de suroeste a noreste, presenta dos plataformas escalonadas. La primera, de mayor volumen, ubicada al norte del montículo; la segunda, ubicado al sur y es de menor altitud. Mochan cuenta con 3 fases constructivas, construidas a base de adobes moldeados con gavera de caña, dispuestos en soga y cabeza en bloques de adobe tramado (BAT) para la construcción de plataformas y muros y relleno de adobe tramado (RAT) para sellar ambientes de las fases más tempranas. Los muros presentan enlucidos en los paramentos, pintados de color amarillo, rojo y blanco, para las cubiertas utilizan caña brava y soguillas para los amarres. La evidencia material cultural como la arquitectura y la cerámica que en un porcentaje mayor es de filiación mochica de estilo Huancaco y moche IV, y en menor proporción de filiación cultural Chimú nos permite inferir que en huaca mochan habría una continuidad cultural que iniciaría en el gallinazo tardío (basado en el tipo de adobe) y se extiende hasta la ocupación moche (Huancaco para Virú).
ABSTRACT Huaca Mochan, located in the middle valley of Virú, on the right bank (upstream) of the river of the same name, 1 km from the village of Calunga. It is a monumental site in the form of an “L” oriented from southwest to northeast; it has two stepped platforms. The first, of greater volume, is located to the north of the mound; the second, located to the south and at a lower altitude. Mochan has 3 construction phases, built with molded adobe bricks with a cane hammer, arranged in a rope and head in blocks of woven adobe (BAT) for the construction of platforms and walls and filled with woven adobe (RAT) to seal environments from the earlier phases. The walls have plaster on the walls, painted yellow, red and white, for the roofs they use wild cane and ropes for ties. Cultural material evidence, such as architecture and ceramics, which are mostly of Moche affiliation in the Huancaco and Moche IV styles, and to a lesser extent of Chimú cultural affiliation, allow us to infer that in Huaca Mochan there was a cultural continuity that began in the late Gallinazo period (based on the type of adobe) and extended to the Moche occupation (Huancaco for Virú).
ABSTRACT Huaca Mochan, located in the middle valley of Virú, on the right bank (upstream) of the river of the same name, 1 km from the village of Calunga. It is a monumental site in the form of an “L” oriented from southwest to northeast; it has two stepped platforms. The first, of greater volume, is located to the north of the mound; the second, located to the south and at a lower altitude. Mochan has 3 construction phases, built with molded adobe bricks with a cane hammer, arranged in a rope and head in blocks of woven adobe (BAT) for the construction of platforms and walls and filled with woven adobe (RAT) to seal environments from the earlier phases. The walls have plaster on the walls, painted yellow, red and white, for the roofs they use wild cane and ropes for ties. Cultural material evidence, such as architecture and ceramics, which are mostly of Moche affiliation in the Huancaco and Moche IV styles, and to a lesser extent of Chimú cultural affiliation, allow us to infer that in Huaca Mochan there was a cultural continuity that began in the late Gallinazo period (based on the type of adobe) and extended to the Moche occupation (Huancaco for Virú).
Antiguo Perú , Secuencia constructiva, Técnica constructiva