Repercusión de crianza en base a roles de género tradicionales, en la percepción laboral en trabajadoras del hogar en Moche
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Esta investigación denominada: Repercusión de crianza en base a roles de género tradicionales, en la percepción laboral en trabajadoras del hogar en Moche, la cual fue realizada en el distrito de Moche, provincia de Trujillo, en la Residencial “Sol de Las Delicias”, se tuvo el objetivo de explicar de qué manera afecta la repercusión de crianza de las empleadas del hogar en Moche, basada en roles de género tradicionales, en su percepción laboral de las empleadas del hogar de la Residencial Sol de Las Delicias, distrito de Moche, 2024. Se desarrolló con 25 empleadas del hogar de la Residencial “Sol de Las Delicias” que dieron su consentimiento para participar en el proceso de la investigación. Y que fue para ellas, una oportunidad donde les permitió expresar sus emociones, vivencias, creencias y conocimientos sobre el empleo doméstico y confiando en que la investigación sea valorada por sus testimonios y por la forma que recibieron la crianza. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron las técnicas de la observación, conversación y entrevista para obtener información directa de las informantes y la realidad donde se desarrolla el fenómeno estudiado. Los resultados determinaron que la crianza basada en roles de género afecta en la percepción laboral de las empleadas del hogar de la Residencial “Sol de Las Delicias”, distrito de Moche, ya que, debido a su crianza en hogares conservadores y apegados a los roles de género tradicionales optaron por un trabajo relacionado al estereotipado rol de crianza y de labores del hogar, dando así, por comprobada la hipótesis.
ABSTRACT This research called: Impact of parenting based on traditional gender roles, in the work perception of domestic workers in Moche, which was carried out in the district of Moche, province of Trujillo, in the Residential "Sol de Las Delicias", the objective was to explain how the impact of the upbringing of domestic workers in Moche, based on traditional gender roles, affects their work perception of domestic workers in the Residencial Sol de Las Delicias, Moche district, 2024. It was developed with 25 housekeepers from the "Sol de las Delicias" residential that gave their consent to participate in the research process. And that was for them, an opportunity where they allowed to express their emotions, experiences, beliefs and knowledge about domestic employment and trusting that the research is valued by their testimonies and by the way they received upbringing. The data collection techniques of observation, conversation and interview were used to obtain direct information from the informants and the reality where the phenomenon studied takes place. The results determined that gender role-based parenting affects the job perception of domestic workers in the "Sol de Las Delicias" residential building, district of Moche, because, because of their upbringing in conservative homes and attached to traditional gender roles, they opted for work related to the stereotyped role of parenting and housework, thus giving the hypothesis as proven.
ABSTRACT This research called: Impact of parenting based on traditional gender roles, in the work perception of domestic workers in Moche, which was carried out in the district of Moche, province of Trujillo, in the Residential "Sol de Las Delicias", the objective was to explain how the impact of the upbringing of domestic workers in Moche, based on traditional gender roles, affects their work perception of domestic workers in the Residencial Sol de Las Delicias, Moche district, 2024. It was developed with 25 housekeepers from the "Sol de las Delicias" residential that gave their consent to participate in the research process. And that was for them, an opportunity where they allowed to express their emotions, experiences, beliefs and knowledge about domestic employment and trusting that the research is valued by their testimonies and by the way they received upbringing. The data collection techniques of observation, conversation and interview were used to obtain direct information from the informants and the reality where the phenomenon studied takes place. The results determined that gender role-based parenting affects the job perception of domestic workers in the "Sol de Las Delicias" residential building, district of Moche, because, because of their upbringing in conservative homes and attached to traditional gender roles, they opted for work related to the stereotyped role of parenting and housework, thus giving the hypothesis as proven.
Estereotipos de género, Trabajo doméstico, Educación familiar tradicional