Pubertad y Adolescencia
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El trabajo de suficiencia que presento, se titula “Pubertad y adolescencia”, y tuene como objetivo mostrar la importancia de estas etapas tan importante para los seres humanos a los alumnos de la Institución Educativa, “Vencedores de Comaina - Roque” dentro de su proceso de aprendizaje. La motivación que me impulsó a realizar este trabajo fue la problemática psicológica en medio de la población estudiantil que pasan por estas etapas, ocasionando en muchos casos efectos negativos en la personalidad de los estudiantes debidos a la falta de orientación y que repercute en comportamientos no adecuados en su entorno social. En el desarrollo de la sesión se aplicaron estrategias y actividades que motivaran a los estudiantes a informarse más, sobre esta situación que les es común a la mayoría de ellos y al mismo tiempo tomaron interés en conocer sobre estas etapas de la vida humana. En esta sesión de aprendizaje tome como base los aspectos teóricos y pedagógicos para desarrollar las estrategias de saberes previos y de conflicto cognitivo, para la aplicación y transferencia de los conocimientos acerca de estas etapas tan relevantes en el desarrollo humano. Finalmente concluyo que la adolescencia es una etapa donde todo ser humano pasa por un proceso de cambios fisiológicos, psicológicos, cognitivos y emocionales que engloban el marco central de la vida del adolescente en su entorno social.
The sufficiency work that I present, is entitled "Puberty and adolescence", and its objective was to show the importance of these stages so important for human beings to the students of the Educational Institution, "Vencedores de Comaina Roque" within their process of learning. The motivation that prompted me to carry out this work was the psychological problem in the midst of the student population that goes through these stages, causing in many cases negative effects on the personality of the students due to the lack of orientation and which has repercussions in inappropriate behaviors in their social environment. In the development of the session, strategies and activities were applied that motivated the students to learn more about this situation that is common to most of them and at the same time they took an interest in learning about these stages of human life. In this learning session, take as a basis the theoretical and pedagogical aspects to develop the strategies of prior knowledge and cognitive conflict, for the application and transfer of knowledge about these important stages in human development. Finally, I conclude that adolescence is a stage where every human being goes through a process of physiological, psychological, cognitive and emotional changes that encompass the central framework of the adolescent's life in their social environment.
The sufficiency work that I present, is entitled "Puberty and adolescence", and its objective was to show the importance of these stages so important for human beings to the students of the Educational Institution, "Vencedores de Comaina Roque" within their process of learning. The motivation that prompted me to carry out this work was the psychological problem in the midst of the student population that goes through these stages, causing in many cases negative effects on the personality of the students due to the lack of orientation and which has repercussions in inappropriate behaviors in their social environment. In the development of the session, strategies and activities were applied that motivated the students to learn more about this situation that is common to most of them and at the same time they took an interest in learning about these stages of human life. In this learning session, take as a basis the theoretical and pedagogical aspects to develop the strategies of prior knowledge and cognitive conflict, for the application and transfer of knowledge about these important stages in human development. Finally, I conclude that adolescence is a stage where every human being goes through a process of physiological, psychological, cognitive and emotional changes that encompass the central framework of the adolescent's life in their social environment.
Educaci�n, Educaci�n secundaria, Psicolog�a, Adolescencia, Aprendizaje