Restricciones al derecho de propiedad en inmuebles del Centro Histórico Monumental de Trujillo y su afectación al interés social. 2007 - 2018
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El objeto de la presente investigación está referido a las restricciones legales al derecho de propiedad en inmuebles del Centro Histórico Monumental de Trujillo que perjudican el interés social que inspira la norma, siendo el procedimiento empleado para demostrar la aseveración señalada contar con una población de 120 inmuebles declarados patrimonio monumental ubicados en el Centro Histórico de Trujillo, de los cuales se consideró como muestra a 37 inmuebles bajo el criterio de inmuebles en riesgo, asimismo se aplicó una entrevista tipo cuestionario a expertos y 113 encuestas a estudiantes universitarios, adicionalmente se utilizó el método analítico- sintético, así como la técnica de la observación de la realidad investigada. Como resultado real y concreto se tuvo que 27 inmuebles de la muestra se encuentran en condición de riesgo mayor; infiriendo que el riesgo subsistirá debido a las restricciones legales a la propiedad de este tipo de inmuebles perjudicado el interés social que la ley contempla, poniendo en riesgo la vida e integridad de los ciudadanos y el ambiente respectivamente.
The object of the present investigation is referred to the legal restrictions to the property right in real estate of the Monumental Historical Center of Trujillo that harm the social interest that inspires the norm, being the procedure used to demonstrate the indicated assertion to have a population of 120 real estate declared monumental heritage located in the Historic Center of Trujillo, of which 37 properties were considered as a sample under the criteria of properties at risk, likewise a questionnaire interview was applied to experts and 113 surveys to university students, additionally the method was used analytical-synthetic, as well as the technique of observing the reality investigated. As a real and concrete result, 27 properties in the sample were found to be in a higher risk condition; inferring that the risk will subsist due to the legal restrictions on the ownership of this type of property harming the social interest that the law contemplates, putting at risk the life and integrity of citizens and the environment respectively.
The object of the present investigation is referred to the legal restrictions to the property right in real estate of the Monumental Historical Center of Trujillo that harm the social interest that inspires the norm, being the procedure used to demonstrate the indicated assertion to have a population of 120 real estate declared monumental heritage located in the Historic Center of Trujillo, of which 37 properties were considered as a sample under the criteria of properties at risk, likewise a questionnaire interview was applied to experts and 113 surveys to university students, additionally the method was used analytical-synthetic, as well as the technique of observing the reality investigated. As a real and concrete result, 27 properties in the sample were found to be in a higher risk condition; inferring that the risk will subsist due to the legal restrictions on the ownership of this type of property harming the social interest that the law contemplates, putting at risk the life and integrity of citizens and the environment respectively.
Derecho de propiedad, Inmuebles, Interés social, Monumento histórico, Restricción legal