Comunicación interna y Desempeño Laboral del personal administrativo de la Universidad César Vallejo campus Piura, 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la comunicación interna y el desempeño laboral del personal administrativo de la Universidad César Vallejo, campus Piura, 2022. La investigación se realizó a través de un enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, con un diseño no experimental, transversal y de alcance correlacional. Para la obtención de datos se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y como instrumento se usó el cuestionario. El primer cuestionario contenía 15 preguntas sobre la variable comunicación interna y el segundo, 26 preguntas sobre la variable desempeño laboral. Los instrumentos fueron previamente verificados, validados y son altamente confiables. Ambos instrumentos se aplicaron a los 52 administrativos de la Universidad César Vallejo, campus Piura. Se empleó como métodos al análisis, la síntesis, la inducción y deducción. A través de esta indagación, se busca determinar la relación entre la comunicación interna y el desempeño laboral del personal administrativo de la Universidad en mención. Los resultados señalan que la relación entre ambas variables es directa, positiva; y su grado de significancia es alto. Cuando la comunicación interna es efectiva, el desempeño laboral es superior, mientras que, cuando la comunicación entre los públicos internos es deficiente, el desempeño es inferior. También se comprobó que el nivel de comunicación interna, coincide con el desempeño laboral, ambos cuentan con un nivel medio. Para concluir, los resultados de este apartado tienen relación con sus antecedentes y autores.
The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between internal communication and the work performance of the administrative staff of the César Vallejo University, Piura campus, 2022. The research was carried out through a quantitative, descriptive approach, with a non-experimental design, cross-sectional and correlational in scope. To obtain data, the survey technique was carried out and the questionnaire was used as an instrument. The first questionnaire contained 15 questions on the internal communication variable and the second, 26 questions on the job performance variable. The instruments were previously verified, validated and are highly reliable. Both instruments will be applied to the 52 administrative staff of the César Vallejo University, Piura campus. Analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction were used as methods. Through this inquiry, it seeks to determine the relationship between internal communication and the work performance of the administrative staff of the University in question. The results indicate that the relationship between both variables is direct, positive; and its degree of significance is high. When internal communication is effective, job performance is higher, while when communication between internal audiences is poor, performance is lower. It was also found that the level of internal communication coincides with job performance, both have a medium level. To conclude, the results of this section are related to their background and authors.
The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between internal communication and the work performance of the administrative staff of the César Vallejo University, Piura campus, 2022. The research was carried out through a quantitative, descriptive approach, with a non-experimental design, cross-sectional and correlational in scope. To obtain data, the survey technique was carried out and the questionnaire was used as an instrument. The first questionnaire contained 15 questions on the internal communication variable and the second, 26 questions on the job performance variable. The instruments were previously verified, validated and are highly reliable. Both instruments will be applied to the 52 administrative staff of the César Vallejo University, Piura campus. Analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction were used as methods. Through this inquiry, it seeks to determine the relationship between internal communication and the work performance of the administrative staff of the University in question. The results indicate that the relationship between both variables is direct, positive; and its degree of significance is high. When internal communication is effective, job performance is higher, while when communication between internal audiences is poor, performance is lower. It was also found that the level of internal communication coincides with job performance, both have a medium level. To conclude, the results of this section are related to their background and authors.
Comunicación, Comunicación interpersonal, Rendimiento laboral, Ciencias de la comunicación