La pubertad y adolescencia

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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La Sesi�n titulada La Pubertad y Adolescencia, ser� ejecutada como parte del �rea de_x000D_ Desarrollo Personal, C�vica y Ciudadan�a para estudiantes del primer grado de Educaci�n_x000D_ Secundaria de la Instituci�n Educativa �San Nicol�s�._x000D_ El prop�sito de la sesi�n, el desarrollo de sus capacidades, adem�s de la valoraci�n de los_x000D_ cambios que ocurren en la etapa de la pubertad y adolescencia, se obtuvo mediante el uso de_x000D_ la t�cnica de la silueta, ilustraciones y cuadros comparativos. Para la informaci�n y_x000D_ desarrollo del campo tem�tico se fundament� con los aportes te�ricos de la corriente_x000D_ pedag�gica constructivista, citando a David Ausubel.
The session titled The Puberty and Adolescence, will be executed as part of the Area of_x000D_ Personal, Civic and Citizenship Development for students of the first grade of Secondary_x000D_ Education of the Educational Institution "San Nicol�s"._x000D_ The purpose of the session, the development of their abilities, in addition to the assessment_x000D_ of the changes that occur at the stage of puberty and adolescence, was obtained through the_x000D_ use of the technique of the silhouette, illustrations and comparative tables. For the_x000D_ information and development of the thematic field, it was based on the theoretical_x000D_ contributions of the constructive pedagogical current, citing David Ausubel.
Adolescencia, Educaci�n, Cambios, Crecimiento, Maduraci�n