La inversión del Gobierno Regional de Áncash y la incidencia en el PBI regional 2010-2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
“El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como título: “La inversión del Gobierno Regional de Áncash y la incidencia en el PBI regional 2010 – 2022” ,el cual tiene como propósito el Determinar la incidencia de la inversión del gobierno regional de Áncash en el PBI regional 2010 – 2022, para ello se utilizó una metodología de tipo no experimental con alcance correlacional – explicativa, en donde se toman datos de las series estadísticas de la Inversión Pública en la región Ancash y del PBI en el periodo 2010 – 2022, extrayendo los datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática y del Ministerio Economía y Finanzas. Asimismo, se aplica un modelo de regresión lineal doble logarítmico estimado con Eviews 12 mediante el método de Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios, en donde se encuentra una relación directa entre la Inversión y el Producto Bruto Interno, donde el coeficiente de incidencia es de 0.31% sobre el Producto Bruto Interno por cada 1% que se incremente la Inversión, corroborándose la Hipótesis de investigación. Finalmente concluimos que la relación existente entre la Inversión del Gobierno Regional y el Producto Bruto Interno es significativa y positiva demostrado tanto a nivel teórico como evidencia empírica existente, dicha correlación entre variables según este estudio es de 63.07%, lo que demuestra que la Inversión cuando se incrementa mejora las condiciones socioeconómicas de una economía, mediante políticas económicas que permiten una senda de crecimiento y desarrollo para región.
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research work, which is titled “The Investment of the Regional Government of Ancash and the impact on the regional GDP 2010 – 2022”, is to determine the incidence of the investment of the regional government of Ancash on the regional GDP 2010 – 2022, taking a non-experimental methodology with correlational - explanatory scope, data is taken from the statistical series of Public Investment in the Ancash region and GDP in the period 2010 - 2022, extracting data from the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics and of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, a double logarithmic linear regression model estimated with Eviews 12 is applied using the Ordinary Least Squares method, a direct relationship is found between Investment and the Gross Domestic Product, where the incidence coefficient is 0.31% on the Gross Domestic Product for every 1% that the Investment increases, corroborating the research hypothesis, where we finally conclude that the relationship between the Investment of the Regional Government and the Gross Domestic Product is significant and positive, demonstrated both at a theoretical and evidence level. existing empirical evidence, said correlation between variables according to this study is 63.07%, which shows that Investment, when increased, improves the socioeconomic conditions of an economy, through economic policies that allow a path of growth and development for the region.
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research work, which is titled “The Investment of the Regional Government of Ancash and the impact on the regional GDP 2010 – 2022”, is to determine the incidence of the investment of the regional government of Ancash on the regional GDP 2010 – 2022, taking a non-experimental methodology with correlational - explanatory scope, data is taken from the statistical series of Public Investment in the Ancash region and GDP in the period 2010 - 2022, extracting data from the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics and of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, a double logarithmic linear regression model estimated with Eviews 12 is applied using the Ordinary Least Squares method, a direct relationship is found between Investment and the Gross Domestic Product, where the incidence coefficient is 0.31% on the Gross Domestic Product for every 1% that the Investment increases, corroborating the research hypothesis, where we finally conclude that the relationship between the Investment of the Regional Government and the Gross Domestic Product is significant and positive, demonstrated both at a theoretical and evidence level. existing empirical evidence, said correlation between variables according to this study is 63.07%, which shows that Investment, when increased, improves the socioeconomic conditions of an economy, through economic policies that allow a path of growth and development for the region.
Inversión, Producto Bruto Interno, Crecimiento Económico