Conociendo e identificando al conjunto de los Números Reales en el desarrollo de Capacidades Matemáticas
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional titulado “Conociendo e Identificando al conjunto de los Números Reales para el desarrollo de Capacidades Matemáticas” tiene como finalidad que los estudiantes del segundo grado de secundaria del Colegio Pioneer´s College reconozcan e identifiquen los conjuntos que componen los Números Reales (Números Naturales, Enteros, Racionales e Irracionales), y para ello se ha diseñado una dinámica virtual, como estrategia didáctica que ayude al mejora del pensamiento numérico y las competencias matemáticas. Los procesos didácticos y pedagógicos se desarrollaron y organizaron a través de una sesión de aprendizaje, ya que permite se ordene mejor los conocimientos y la enseñanza aprendizaje de los estudiantes, el cual favorece la actividad virtual de manera colaborativa, con el propósito de que se desarrollen las siguientes capacidades matemáticas: Comunica su comprensión sobre los números y las operaciones, Argumenta afirmaciones sobre las relaciones numéricas y las operaciones, que pertenecen a la competencia Resuelve problemas de cantidad; así mismo, se desarrolla la competencia Interactúa en entornos virtuales, dado que para realizar la dinámica, es necesario la utilización de las plataformas y documentos virtuales, para poder intercambiar y compartir información con los estudiantes.
The present work of professional sufficiency entitled "Knowing and Identifying the set of Real Numbers for the development of Mathematical Abilities" has the purpose that the students of the second grade of secondary school of Pioneer's College recognize and identify the different sets that make up the Real Numbers (Natural, Whole, Rational and Irrational Numbers), and for this a virtual dynamic has been designed, as a didactic strategy that favors the development of numerical thinking and mathematical skills. The didactic and pedagogical processes were developed and organized through a learning session, since it allows the knowledge and teaching-learning of the students to be better ordered, which favors virtual activity in a collaborative way, with the purpose that develop the following mathematical skills: Communicate your understanding of numbers and operations, Argues statements about number relationships and operations, which belong to the competence Solve quantity problems; Likewise, the Interact competence in virtual environments is developed, since to carry out the dynamics, it is necessary to use virtual platforms and documents, to be able to exchange and share information with students.
The present work of professional sufficiency entitled "Knowing and Identifying the set of Real Numbers for the development of Mathematical Abilities" has the purpose that the students of the second grade of secondary school of Pioneer's College recognize and identify the different sets that make up the Real Numbers (Natural, Whole, Rational and Irrational Numbers), and for this a virtual dynamic has been designed, as a didactic strategy that favors the development of numerical thinking and mathematical skills. The didactic and pedagogical processes were developed and organized through a learning session, since it allows the knowledge and teaching-learning of the students to be better ordered, which favors virtual activity in a collaborative way, with the purpose that develop the following mathematical skills: Communicate your understanding of numbers and operations, Argues statements about number relationships and operations, which belong to the competence Solve quantity problems; Likewise, the Interact competence in virtual environments is developed, since to carry out the dynamics, it is necessary to use virtual platforms and documents, to be able to exchange and share information with students.
Educación, Educación secundaria, Matemáticas, Aritmética