Zafra Trelles, Alina MabelFlores León, Lorenzo Jesús4/10/20194/10/20192013 inventory of molluscs in the infralittoral of Huanchaco from january to july 2013_x000D_ was performed. The Samples were collected every fifteen days in eight spots_x000D_ georeferenced located in an area between the 08 o 04 '46,42 "- 08 ° 04' 37,37" Sto_x000D_ 79° 07 '23,54 "- 79 ° 07' 13,78" W, with a grid of 1 m2 during low tides by apnea_x000D_ diving and species were identified using taxonomic keys and shellfish reports. were_x000D_ recorded 17 species, nine Gastropoda species and eight Polyplacophora, of which 12_x000D_ were Huanchaco coast new records. Five species belong to the class Gastropoda:_x000D_ Fissurella pulchra, Fissurella sp., Crepipatella dilatata, Stramonita biserialis and_x000D_ Crassilabrum crassilabrum, and seven belong to the class Polyplacophora:_x000D_ Acanthopleura echinata, Chiton granosus, Tonicia chilensis, Chiton sp.,_x000D_ Chaetopleura sp.l, Chaetopleura sp.2 and Chaetopleura sp.3. The species with the_x000D_ highest density (ind/m2 ) were Prisogaster niger, Tegula atra and Chiton cumingsii_x000D_ with over 30 ind/m2 • It was determined that the largest number of species was class_x000D_ Gastropoda, and also noted that in march saw the highest number of species (12).Se realizó un inventario de moluscos en el infralitoral de Huanchaco de enero a julio_x000D_ del 2013. Las muestras se colectaron quincenalmente en ocho estaciones_x000D_ georeferenciadas ubicadas en un área comprendida entre los oso 04' 46,42" -_x000D_ oso 04' 37,37" S a 79° 07' 23,54"- 79° 07' 13,7S" W, con una cuadricula de 1 m2_x000D_ durante las mareas bajas mediante buceo apnea y las especies se identificaron_x000D_ utilizando claves y reportes taxonómicos de moluscos. Se registraron 17 especies,_x000D_ nueve de Gastrópodos y ocho de Polyplacophoros, de los cuales 12 fueron nuevos_x000D_ registros para el litoral de Huanchaco, siendo cinco de la clase Gastropoda: Fissurella_x000D_ pulchra, Fissurella sp., Crepipatella dilatata, Stramonita biserialis y Crassilabrum_x000D_ crassilabrum, y siete de la clase Polyplacophora: Acanthopleura echinata, Chiton_x000D_ granosus, Tonicia chilensis, Chiton sp., Chaetopleura sp.l, Chaetopleura sp.2 y_x000D_ Chaetopleura sp.3. Las especies con mayor densidad (indlm2_x000D_ ) fueron Prisogaster niger, Tegula atra y Chiton cumingsii con más de 30 ind/m2_x000D_ • Se determinó que el mayor número de especies pertenecieron a la clase Gastropoda, asimismo se observó que en marzo se registró el mayor número de especies (12).spainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessInventarioMoluscosInfralitoralHuanchaco.INVENTARIO DE MOLUSCOS EN EL INFRALITORAL DE HUANCHACO- LA LIBERTAD, ENERO A JULIO