Zavaleta Calderón, UlicesOtiniano Malca, Edgar Omar8/17/20178/17/20172016 thesis work studies a special class of semigroups that satisfy the Lipschitz's_x000D_ condition. They are called semigroups of Lipschitz operators. Here, it is studied_x000D_ some properties of this class of semigroups and the important part is focused in the_x000D_ characterization of its generator._x000D_ The problem of characterizing an operator A as a generator of this class of_x000D_ semigroups is closely related to the Cauchy problem for A :_x000D_ u0(t) = Au(t) for t 0 and u(0) = x_x000D_ where X is a Banach space, A : X ! X is a continuous operator and u : [0;1) ! X_x000D_ an unknown function which is di erentiable in R+. To success, the operator A it is_x000D_ assumed to be continuous from a closed subset D of a real Banach space X satisfying_x000D_ a subtangential condition and a dissipative condition and supported by a functional_x000D_ V that have interesting propertiesEn este trabajo de tesis se estudia a los semigrupos de operadores de Lipschitz,_x000D_ una clase especial de semigrupos que se caracterizan por cumplir la condici on de_x000D_ Lipschitz. Aqu se estudia las propiedades b asicas de tales semigrupos y la caracterizaci_x000D_ on de su generador in nitesimal._x000D_ Caracterizar un operador A como generador de tal semigrupo est a relacionado_x000D_ al problema de Cauchy, es decir, al siguiente problema_x000D_ u0(t) = Au(t) para todo t 0 y u(0) = x_x000D_ siendo X un espacio de Banach, A : X ! X un operador continuo y u : [0;1) ! X_x000D_ la funci on inc ognita la cual es diferenciable en R+. Para obtener esto, asumiremos_x000D_ que el operador A es continuo sobre un conjunto cerrado D X y adem as satisface_x000D_ condiciones de tipo subtangencial y disipativo con la ayuda de un funcional V que_x000D_ posee interesantes propiedadesspainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessOperador de Lipschitz, problema de Cauchy, condici on subtangencialCaracterización del generador infinitesimal de un semigrupo de operadores de Lipschitz en espacios de Banachinfo:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis