RamIrez Lara, GuillermoAlayo Yupanqui, Marco Antonio8/4/2017 18/4/2017 12013https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14414/8336The continuity of a function de ned between classical topological spaces is a fundamental_x000D_ and very important for the development of mathematics and its applications_x000D_ topological concept. However, due to the complexity of the real world and the imprecision_x000D_ contained in many phenomena of nature these are described or better_x000D_ explained by fuzzy sets , which were introduced by the engineer L. Zadeh (1965) [7]._x000D_ The concept of fuzzy set generalizes the classical notion of set . A fuzzy set A in_x000D_ a universe X is associated with a function A : X ! [0; 1] that assigns to each_x000D_ element x of X a real number A(x) in [0; 1] called \ degree of membership " of the_x000D_ element x to the set A. A higher degree of membership re_x000D_ ects a sense of belonging_x000D_ to \ more " strong set A._x000D_ This work is based on the theory of fuzzy topological spaces introduced in 1968 by_x000D_ Chang [1] and is oriented to extend to the fuzzy context the concept of continuity_x000D_ and also a well-known theorem of general topology preserving compactnessLa continuidad de una funci on de nida entre espacios topol ogicos cl asicos es un_x000D_ concepto topol ogico fundamental y de gran importancia para el desarrollo de las_x000D_ matem aticas y de sus aplicaciones. Sin embargo, debido a la complejidad del mundo_x000D_ real y de la imprecisi on contenida en muchos fen omenos de la naturaleza estos se describen_x000D_ o explican mejor mediante los conjuntos difusos, los que fueron introducidos_x000D_ por el ingeniero L. Zadeh (1965) [7]._x000D_ El concepto de conjunto difuso generaliza el concepto de conjunto cl asico. Un conjunto_x000D_ difuso A en un universo X est a asociado a una funci on A : X ! [0; 1] que_x000D_ asigna a cada elemento x de X un n umero real A(x) en [0; 1] llamado \grado de_x000D_ pertenencia" del elemento x al conjunto A. Un mayor grado de pertenencia re_x000D_ eja_x000D_ un sentido de pertenencia \m as" fuerte al conjunto A._x000D_ Este trabajo se basa en la teor a de los espacios topol ogicos difusos introducidos en_x000D_ 1968 por Chang [1] y est a orientado a extender al contexto difuso el concepto de_x000D_ continuidad y tambi en un conocido teorema de la topolog a general que preserva la_x000D_ compacidadspainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEspacios topológicosLa continuidad entre espacios topológicos difusosinfo:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis