Impacto del Programa Juntos en la Nutrición Infantil de las familias beneficiarias del distrito de Condebamba, provincia de Cajabamba, 2021.
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el impacto del Programa Juntos en la nutrición infantil de las familias beneficiarias del Distrito de Condebamba, Provincia de Cajabamba, 2021. La investigación tiene un enfoque mixto, de tipo básico, de nivel evaluativo, descriptivo, correlacional y analítico. La técnica de recolección de datos es la encuesta y la entrevista, donde como instrumento se utilizó el cuestionario. Los principales resultados indican que el 73.0% de las familias encuestadas son amas de casa. Además, el 55.0% de las respuestas indican que proporcionan leche materna a sus hijos menores de 6 meses. En términos de acceso a la atención médica, el 64.0% de los niños beneficiarios han recibido todos los controles médicos correspondientes según su edad, y el 62.0% tienen todas las vacunas requeridas. En cuanto al estado nutricional, el 17.0% de los niños y niñas padecen de desnutrición, mientras que el 24.0% presentan desnutrición aguda. Además, el 56.0% de las familias destinan su presupuesto principalmente a la adquisición de alimentos, y el 48.3% prioriza alimentos protectores como frutas y verduras. Concluyendo que el Programa Juntos ha demostrado ser una
intervención efectiva en la lucha contra la pobreza y la mejora de la nutrición y salud infantil en el Distrito de Condebamba, Provincia de Cajabamba, durante el año 2021.
ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to determine the impact of the Juntos Program on the child nutrition of beneficiary families in the District of Condebamba, Province of Cajabamba, 2021. The research has a mixed approach, basic type, evaluative, descriptive, correlational and analytical. The data collection technique is the survey and the interview, where the questionnaire was used as an instrument. The main results indicate that 73.0% of the families surveyed are housewives. Furthermore, 55.0% of the responses indicate that they provide breast milk to their children under 6 months. In terms of access to medical care, 64.0% of beneficiary children have received all the corresponding medical checkups according to their age, and 62.0% have all the required vaccines. Regarding nutritional status, 17.0% of boys and girls suffer from malnutrition, while 24.0% have acute malnutrition. Additionally, 56.0% of families allocate their budget mainly to purchasing food, and 48.3% prioritize protective foods such as fruits and vegetables. Concluding that the Together Program has proven to be an effective intervention in the fight against poverty and the improvement of child nutrition and health in the District of Condebamba, Province of Cajabamba, during the year 2021.
ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to determine the impact of the Juntos Program on the child nutrition of beneficiary families in the District of Condebamba, Province of Cajabamba, 2021. The research has a mixed approach, basic type, evaluative, descriptive, correlational and analytical. The data collection technique is the survey and the interview, where the questionnaire was used as an instrument. The main results indicate that 73.0% of the families surveyed are housewives. Furthermore, 55.0% of the responses indicate that they provide breast milk to their children under 6 months. In terms of access to medical care, 64.0% of beneficiary children have received all the corresponding medical checkups according to their age, and 62.0% have all the required vaccines. Regarding nutritional status, 17.0% of boys and girls suffer from malnutrition, while 24.0% have acute malnutrition. Additionally, 56.0% of families allocate their budget mainly to purchasing food, and 48.3% prioritize protective foods such as fruits and vegetables. Concluding that the Together Program has proven to be an effective intervention in the fight against poverty and the improvement of child nutrition and health in the District of Condebamba, Province of Cajabamba, during the year 2021.
Programa juntos, Desnutrición,, Beneficiarios