Concentración de flúor en orina después de aplicar fluoruros tópicos en pacientes pediátricos, institución educativa n° 80706 - miramar
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Objetivo: Determinar la concentración de flúor en orina antes y después de la aplicación de productos fluorados en forma de barnices o geles en la Institución Educativa N°80706- Miramar. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio incluyó un total de 42 niños, divididos en dos grupos; Al grupo I se le aplicó flúor gel (Fluofar 2%) y al grupo II flúor barniz (Clinpro 3M – 0.25ml). Se recolectó las muestras de orina antes y después de 2 horas de la aplicación del producto fluorado; Los resultados fueron expresados en mg y se aplicó la prueba t de student. Resultados: La concentración promedio de flúor en orina antes de la aplicación del flúor barniz fue de 0.0697 mg, y para el grupo gel fue de 0.0801 mg. Ambos valores inferiores con respecto a la segunda muestra. Para el grupo barniz hubo un aumento pero no significativo de flúor en orina, obteniendo un promedio de 0.0835 mg; no ocurriendo lo mismo para el grupo gel, el cual fue de 0.1721 mg mostrando un aumento bastante significativo. Conclusiones: La concentración de flúor en orina después de la aplicación tópica de flúor gel al 2% es mayor comparado con el flúor barniz 5% en niños de 6 años.
Objective: To determine the concentration of fluorine in urine before and after the application of fluorinated products in the form of varnishes or gels in Educational Institution No. 80706- Miramar. Materials and Methods: The study included a total of 42 children, divided into two groups; Group I was given fluoride gel (Fluofar 2%) and group II fluorine varnish (Clinpro 3M - 0.25ml). Urine samples were collected before and after 2 hours of application of the fluorinated product; the results were expressed in mg and the student's t-test was applied. Results: The average concentration of fluorine in urine before application of fluorine varnish was 0.0697 mg, and for the gel group was 0.0801 mg. Both values were lower than the second sample. For the varnish group there was an increase but not significant of fluorine in urine, obtaining an average of 0.0835 mg; Not occurring the same for the gel group, which was 0.1721 mg showing a quite significant increase. Conclusions: The concentration of fluoride in the urine after the topical application of fluoride gel to 2% is higher compared to fluoride varnish 5% in children aged 6 years.
Objective: To determine the concentration of fluorine in urine before and after the application of fluorinated products in the form of varnishes or gels in Educational Institution No. 80706- Miramar. Materials and Methods: The study included a total of 42 children, divided into two groups; Group I was given fluoride gel (Fluofar 2%) and group II fluorine varnish (Clinpro 3M - 0.25ml). Urine samples were collected before and after 2 hours of application of the fluorinated product; the results were expressed in mg and the student's t-test was applied. Results: The average concentration of fluorine in urine before application of fluorine varnish was 0.0697 mg, and for the gel group was 0.0801 mg. Both values were lower than the second sample. For the varnish group there was an increase but not significant of fluorine in urine, obtaining an average of 0.0835 mg; Not occurring the same for the gel group, which was 0.1721 mg showing a quite significant increase. Conclusions: The concentration of fluoride in the urine after the topical application of fluoride gel to 2% is higher compared to fluoride varnish 5% in children aged 6 years.
Orina, Concentración, Flúor