Publication: Marketing digital y relación con la fidelización de clientes en una empresa de calzado de la ciudad de Trujillo, 2021
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el marketing digital y la fidelización de los clientes en una empresa de calzado de la ciudad de Trujillo, 2021. Se planteo como problema general ¿Cuál es la relación que existe entre marketing digital con la fidelización de los clientes en una empresa de calzado de la ciudad de Trujillo, 2021? Y como hipótesis de estudio El marketing digital tiene una relación positiva y significativa en la fidelización de los clientes en una empresa de calzado de la ciudad de Trujillo, 2021. La investigación se ubica en el enfoque cuantitativo, es de tipo aplicada y de corte transversal, de tipo no experimental, un diseño descriptivo correlacional. La población estuvo conformada por 2565 clientes y la muestra por 334 clientes, se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y el instrumento el cuestionario. Como resultados se tiene que el 25.15% indicaron que el nivel del marketing digital es bueno, el 59.58% indicaron que es regular y el 15.27% indicaron que es malo. El 31.14% indicaron que el nivel de fidelización es bueno, el 48.50% indicaron que es regular y el 20.36% indicaron que es malo. Y como conclusión principal se tiene que el Rho de Spearman es 0.875 y su p-valor es 0.000, por lo tanto, existe relación positiva y significativa entre el marketing digital y la fidelización de los clientes en una empresa de calzado de la ciudad de Trujillo, 2021. Por lo tanto, se acepta la hipótesis de estudio.
ABSTRACT The objective of this investigation was to determine the relationship between digital marketing and customer loyalty in a shoe company in the city of Trujillo, 2021. The general problem was raised: What is the relationship between digital marketing and loyalty? of customers in a shoe company in the city of Trujillo, 2021? And as a study hypothesis, digital marketing has a positive and significant relationship in customer loyalty in a shoe company in the city of Trujillo, 2021. The research is located in the quantitative approach, it is applied and cross-sectional. , of a non-experimental type, a descriptive correlational design. The population consisted of 2565 and the sample by 334 clients, the survey technique and the questionnaire instrument were used. As results, 25.15% indicated that the level of digital marketing is good, 59.58% indicated that it is regular and 15.27% indicated that it is bad; therefore, the level is regular. 31.14% indicated that the level of loyalty is good, 48.50% indicated that it is regular and 20.36% indicated that it is bad, therefore, the level is regular. And the main conclusion is that Spearman's Rho is 0.875 and its p-value is 0.000, therefore, there is a positive and significant relationship between digital marketing and customer loyalty in a shoe company in the city of Trujillo. , 2021. Therefore, the study hypothesis is accepted.
ABSTRACT The objective of this investigation was to determine the relationship between digital marketing and customer loyalty in a shoe company in the city of Trujillo, 2021. The general problem was raised: What is the relationship between digital marketing and loyalty? of customers in a shoe company in the city of Trujillo, 2021? And as a study hypothesis, digital marketing has a positive and significant relationship in customer loyalty in a shoe company in the city of Trujillo, 2021. The research is located in the quantitative approach, it is applied and cross-sectional. , of a non-experimental type, a descriptive correlational design. The population consisted of 2565 and the sample by 334 clients, the survey technique and the questionnaire instrument were used. As results, 25.15% indicated that the level of digital marketing is good, 59.58% indicated that it is regular and 15.27% indicated that it is bad; therefore, the level is regular. 31.14% indicated that the level of loyalty is good, 48.50% indicated that it is regular and 20.36% indicated that it is bad, therefore, the level is regular. And the main conclusion is that Spearman's Rho is 0.875 and its p-value is 0.000, therefore, there is a positive and significant relationship between digital marketing and customer loyalty in a shoe company in the city of Trujillo. , 2021. Therefore, the study hypothesis is accepted.
Marketing digital, Fidelización de clientes, Satisfacción de clientes