Condiciones laborales y satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa Caynarachi S.A. provincia de Lamas, 2024
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente tesis se realizó con finalidad de analizar la influencia de las condiciones laborales en la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa Caynarachi S.A., 2024. Se consideró en base a dicha investigación de manera aplicada esto teniendo como cierta base aquel diseño de manera descriptivo , en cuanto a dicha muestra 55 trabajadores con ellos se trabajó esto aplicando diversos métodos y posibles técnicas de cierta investigación de manera cuantitativa: Método de forma estadístico y como posible técnica la diferida encuesta y por ende aquella investigación de manera cualitativa: Método de forma inductivo – deductivo; como posible técnicas aquella observación de manera directa y la connotada entrevista. De los resultados obtenidos se puede demostrar que las deficientes condiciones laborales referentes al clima laboral, la inseguridad y condiciones enfocadas a dicho trabajo influyen significativamente en aquella satisfacción de forma laboral en dichos trabajadores de aquella empresa ya estudiada. La presente tesis tiende a connotarse: I. Introducción: Realidad problemática, antecedentes, bases teóricas y marco conceptual; II. Materiales y métodos; III. Presentación de resultados; IV. Discusión de resultados. V. Conclusiones; VI. Recomendaciones. VII, Referencias bibliográficas y Anexos.
ABSTRACT This thesis was carried out in order to analyze the influence of working conditions on the job satisfaction of the workers of the company Caynarachi S.A., 2024. Based on this applied research, this was considered having as a certain basis that descriptive design, regarding said sample of 55 workers with them, this was worked on applying various methods and possible techniques of certain quantitative research: Statistical method and as a possible technique the deferred survey and therefore that qualitative research: Inductive-deductive method; as possible techniques that direct observation and the well-known interview. From the results obtained, it can be demonstrated that the poor working conditions regarding the work environment, insecurity and conditions focused on said work significantly influence that job satisfaction in said workers of that company already studied. This thesis tends to be connoted: I. Introduction: Problematic reality, background, theoretical bases and conceptual framework; II. Materials and methods; III. Presentation of results; IV. Discussion of results. V. Conclusions; VI. Recommendations. VII. Bibliographical references and Annexes.
ABSTRACT This thesis was carried out in order to analyze the influence of working conditions on the job satisfaction of the workers of the company Caynarachi S.A., 2024. Based on this applied research, this was considered having as a certain basis that descriptive design, regarding said sample of 55 workers with them, this was worked on applying various methods and possible techniques of certain quantitative research: Statistical method and as a possible technique the deferred survey and therefore that qualitative research: Inductive-deductive method; as possible techniques that direct observation and the well-known interview. From the results obtained, it can be demonstrated that the poor working conditions regarding the work environment, insecurity and conditions focused on said work significantly influence that job satisfaction in said workers of that company already studied. This thesis tends to be connoted: I. Introduction: Problematic reality, background, theoretical bases and conceptual framework; II. Materials and methods; III. Presentation of results; IV. Discussion of results. V. Conclusions; VI. Recommendations. VII. Bibliographical references and Annexes.
Identidad laboral, Entorno laboral, Productividad laboral