Evaluación de las características físicas, químicas y sensoriales de las bayas de arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum) es un fruto climatérico que se cosecha cuando alcanza una madurez fisiológica, posee un alto contenido de agua y contiene fitoquímicos relacionados con parámetros de calidad organoléptica, nutricional y funcional. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar las características físicas, químicas y sensoriales de cinco variedades de arándano. Para este estudio, las muestras fueron adquiridas de los campos de la empresa Agrícola Cerro Prieto, ubicada en el departamento de La Libertad (Perú). Se determinó la pérdida de peso, análisis del perfil de textura (TPA), sólidos solubles, pH, acidez titulable, análisis sensorial con prueba CATA y aceptabilidad con escala hedónica híbrida conformado por 24 panelistas capacitados. Los resultados muestran una pérdida de peso de 1.43% - 2.49%, la acidez de las muestras fue entre el rango de 0.47% - 0.75% de ácido cítrico y los sólidos solubles de 11.00 - 15.18 °Brix; en el vocabulario se obtuvo 23 atributos validados para la elaboración de una cartilla sensorial; el análisis de correspondencia de la evaluación sensorial mostró que las variedades Biloxi presentan características muy similares y las demás variedades son distintas; los atributos sensoriales que diferenciaron a las variedades de arándano son: sabor ácido, sabor agradable, forma redonda esférica, pulpa suave, presenta manchas de Bloom y centro color verde; texturalmente, los Biloxi fueron las variedades más duras, Rocio Orgánico y Ventura Orgánico las menos duras. Finalmente, Ventura Orgánico fue la más aceptable entre las variedades evaluadas.
ABSTRACT Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) is a climacteric fruit that is harvested when it reaches physiological maturity, has a high-water content and contains phytochemicals related to organoleptic, nutritional and functional quality parameters. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of five blueberry varieties. For this study, the samples were acquired from the fields of the Agricola Cerro Prieto company, located in the department of La Libertad (Peru). Weight loss, texture profile analysis (TPA), soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, sensory analysis with CATA test and acceptability with hybrid hedonic scale made up of 24 trained panelists were determined. The results show a weight loss of 1.43% - 2.49%, the acidity of the samples was between the range of 0.47% - 0.75% citric acid and soluble solids of 11.00 - 15.18 °Brix; in the vocabulary, 23 validated attributes were obtained for the development of a sensory booklet; the correspondence analysis of the sensory evaluation showed that the Biloxi varieties have very similar characteristics and the other varieties are different; the sensory attributes that differentiated the blueberry varieties are: acidic flavor, pleasant flavor, round spherical shape, soft pulp, has Bloom spots and a green center; texturally, the Biloxi were the hardest varieties, Rocio Organic and Ventura Organic the least hard. Finally, Ventura Organic was the most acceptable among the varieties evaluated.
ABSTRACT Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) is a climacteric fruit that is harvested when it reaches physiological maturity, has a high-water content and contains phytochemicals related to organoleptic, nutritional and functional quality parameters. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of five blueberry varieties. For this study, the samples were acquired from the fields of the Agricola Cerro Prieto company, located in the department of La Libertad (Peru). Weight loss, texture profile analysis (TPA), soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, sensory analysis with CATA test and acceptability with hybrid hedonic scale made up of 24 trained panelists were determined. The results show a weight loss of 1.43% - 2.49%, the acidity of the samples was between the range of 0.47% - 0.75% citric acid and soluble solids of 11.00 - 15.18 °Brix; in the vocabulary, 23 validated attributes were obtained for the development of a sensory booklet; the correspondence analysis of the sensory evaluation showed that the Biloxi varieties have very similar characteristics and the other varieties are different; the sensory attributes that differentiated the blueberry varieties are: acidic flavor, pleasant flavor, round spherical shape, soft pulp, has Bloom spots and a green center; texturally, the Biloxi were the hardest varieties, Rocio Organic and Ventura Organic the least hard. Finally, Ventura Organic was the most acceptable among the varieties evaluated.
Variedad de arándano, Características fisicoquímicas y sensoriales, Prueba CATA, Textura, Atributos