Gestión y estrategias de comunicación del riesgo de desastres, en Instituciones Educativas estatales del nivel primario, distrito El Porvenir, 2019
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo describir la gestión e identificar las estrategias de comunicación del riesgo de desastres en instituciones educativas estatales del nivel primario del distrito de El Porvenir, 2019. Se utilizó instrumentos de elaboración propia y validados por tres expertos, los cuales se aplicó a una muestra de 196 docentes. Respecto a gestión del riesgo de desastre se considera las siguientes dimensiones: Gestión prospectiva, correctiva y reactiva; sobre estrategias de comunicación se considera las dimensiones: uso de medios de comunicación masiva, uso de comunicación comunitaria, uso de comunicación interpersonal, uso de comunicación grupal y tipo de información que utiliza estrategias. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la gestión del riesgo de desastres presenta predominantemente un nivel regular en un 44.9%, un nivel bueno en un 37.8% y un nivel bajo en un 17.3%; así mismo las estrategias de comunicación con las cuales los docentes reciben información sobre la gestión del riesgo de desastre, destacan el uso de la televisión, materiales impresos, reuniones y talleres participativos; todo ello sirvió como diagnóstico para proponer un plan de estrategias de comunicación para fortalecer la gestión del riesgo de desastre.
The present research work aims to describe the management and identify disaster risk communication strategies in state educational institutions at the primary level of the district of El Porvenir, 2019. Self-made and validated by three experts instruments were applied to a sample of 196 teachers. Regarding disaster risk management, the following dimensions are considered: Prospective, corrective and reactive management; regarding communication strategies, the dimensions considered are: Regarding communication strategies, the dimensions considered are: use of mass media, use of community communication, use of interpersonal communication, use of group communication and type of information that uses strategies. The results obtained indicate that disaster risk management predominantly presents a regular level in 44.9%, a good level in 37.8% and a low level in 17.3%; likewise, the communication strategies with which teachers receive information on disaster risk management, highlight the use of television, printed materials, meetings and participatory workshops; all of this served as a diagnosis to propose a communication strategy plan to strengthen disaster risk management.
The present research work aims to describe the management and identify disaster risk communication strategies in state educational institutions at the primary level of the district of El Porvenir, 2019. Self-made and validated by three experts instruments were applied to a sample of 196 teachers. Regarding disaster risk management, the following dimensions are considered: Prospective, corrective and reactive management; regarding communication strategies, the dimensions considered are: Regarding communication strategies, the dimensions considered are: use of mass media, use of community communication, use of interpersonal communication, use of group communication and type of information that uses strategies. The results obtained indicate that disaster risk management predominantly presents a regular level in 44.9%, a good level in 37.8% and a low level in 17.3%; likewise, the communication strategies with which teachers receive information on disaster risk management, highlight the use of television, printed materials, meetings and participatory workshops; all of this served as a diagnosis to propose a communication strategy plan to strengthen disaster risk management.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History