Relación entre la percepción del marketing digital y posicionamiento de la empresa Academia Ajedrezlandia S.A.C., Trujillo, 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
En el siguiente estudio de planteó como principal objetivo determinar la relación entre la percepción del marketing digital y el posicionamiento de la empresa Academia Ajedrezlandia S.A.C., una organización Trujillana constituida por dos campeones mundiales de Ajedrez y que actualmente son representantes y maestros internacionales de esta disciplina. Ante ello, se utilizó una metodología con diseño no experimental de tipo correlacional, con la finalidad de contrastar la hipótesis plantada, considerando como muestra a 90 clientes actuales de la empresa, a los cuales se les administró dos cuestionarios como instrumento de recolección de datos. Como parte de los resultados descriptivos se identificó que se tiene una percepción regular del marketing digital en esta organización, seguido de una valoración deficiente; mientras que, el nivel de posicionamiento es medio. Concluyendo, a nivel general, que existe relación significativa entre la percepción del marketing digital y el posicionamiento de la empresa Academia Ajedrezlandia S.A.C. de la ciudad de Trujillo en el año 2022, por lo que si la empresa implementa estrategias que mejoren el marketing digital aumentará también su nivel de posicionamiento.
In the following study, the main objective was to determine the relationship between the perception of digital marketing and the positioning of the company Academia Ajedrezlandia S.A.C., a Trujillo organization made up of two world Chess champions who are currently international representatives and masters of this discipline. Given this, a methodology with a non-experimental correlational design was used, with the purpose of contrasting the proposed hypothesis, considering 90 current clients of the company as a sample, to whom two questionnaires were administered as a data collection instrument. As part of the descriptive results, it was identified that there is a regular perception of digital marketing in this organization, followed by a poor assessment; while, the positioning level is medium. Concluding, at a general level, that there is a significant relationship between the perception of digital marketing and the positioning of the company Academia Ajedrezlandia S.A.C. of the city of Trujillo in 2022, so if the company implements strategies that improve digital marketing, its level of positioning will also increase.
In the following study, the main objective was to determine the relationship between the perception of digital marketing and the positioning of the company Academia Ajedrezlandia S.A.C., a Trujillo organization made up of two world Chess champions who are currently international representatives and masters of this discipline. Given this, a methodology with a non-experimental correlational design was used, with the purpose of contrasting the proposed hypothesis, considering 90 current clients of the company as a sample, to whom two questionnaires were administered as a data collection instrument. As part of the descriptive results, it was identified that there is a regular perception of digital marketing in this organization, followed by a poor assessment; while, the positioning level is medium. Concluding, at a general level, that there is a significant relationship between the perception of digital marketing and the positioning of the company Academia Ajedrezlandia S.A.C. of the city of Trujillo in 2022, so if the company implements strategies that improve digital marketing, its level of positioning will also increase.
Comunicación, Marketing, Medios de comunicación, Comunicación de masas, Imagen de la marca