Actividades sensoriales para mejorar la atención en niños de 4 años de una Institución Educativa, Trujillo – 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación titulada Actividades sensoriales para mejorar la atención en niños de 4 años de una institución educativa, Trujillo – 2022, tiene como objetivo general demostrar en qué medida la aplicación de actividades sensoriales mejora la atención en niños de 4 años del C.E.E. Rafael Narváez Cadenillas, Trujillo - 2022. La investigación es aplicada, con diseño pre experimental en grupo experimental, con pre test y postest, dicha investigación fue ejecutada en una muestra de 17 niños, de los cuales 8 fueron niños y 9 niñas, de 4 años de edad. La investigación fue realizada a partir de la problemática observada en el aula de 4 años de una institución educativa, donde los niños mostraban una falta de atención en el desarrollo de sus actividades, la causa de esto pudo ser que durante el desarrollo de las actividades que se les presenta, las actividades no son impactantes en ellos, escasez de recursos didácticos sensoriales en el desarrollo de las actividades, esto conlleva a que los niños no escuchen y se distraigan dejando de prestar atención al docente al no sentir curiosidad por lo que se le brinda, es por eso que se formuló como problema general ¿En qué medida la aplicación de actividades sensoriales mejora la atención en niños de 4 años del C.E.E. Rafael Narváez Cadenillas, Trujillo-2022?. Por lo tanto, se planteó como hipótesis alterna: La aplicación de actividades sensoriales mejora la atención en niños de 4 años del C.E.E. Rafael Narváez Cadenillas, Trujillo – 2022. Se aplicó el pretest el cual arrojo que 12 de los niños se ubicaban en el nivel bajo, 5 en el nivel medio, mientras que ninguno en el nivel alto, luego de la aplicación de las actividades sensoriales se aplicó el postest donde obtuvimos como resultado que ninguno de los niños se ubicaba en el nivel bajo, 1 en un nivel medio y 16 en el nivel alto. Frente a lo mencionado podemos decir que es importante fomentar las actividades sensoriales en nuestros niños para fortalecer la atención, mejorando su aprendizaje, por lo cual los padres y las maestras juegan un rol importante, implementado estrategias en sus planificaciones con la finalidad de fortalecer su atención.
The present research titled Sensory activities to improve attention in 4-year-old children of an educational institution, Trujillo - 2022, has the general objective of demonstrating to what extent the application of sensory activities improves attention in 4-year-old children of the C.E.E. Rafael Narváez Cadenillas, Trujillo - 2022. The research is applied, with a pre-experimental design in an experimental group, with pre-test and post-test. This research was carried out on a sample of 17 children, of which 8 were boys and 9 girls, 4 years old. The research was carried out based on the problems observed in the classroom of 4- year-old children of an educational institution, where the children showed a lack of attention in the development of their activities. The cause of this could be that during the development of the activities that were presented to them, the activities do not impact them, lack of sensory didactic resources in the development of the activities, this leads to the children not listening and becoming distracted, stopping paying attention. to the teacher because they are not curious about what they are being taught. provides, so it was formulated as a general problem: To what extent does the application of sensory activities develop attention in 4- year-old children of the C.E.E. Rafael Narváez Cadenillas, Trujillo-2022? Therefore, an alternative hypothesis was proposed: The application of sensory activities improves attention in 4-year-old children of the C.E.E. Rafael Narváez Cadenillas, Trujillo - 2022. The pretest was applied which showed that 12 of the children were located in the low level, 5 in the medium level, while none in the high level, after the application of the sensory activities they applied the post-test where we obtained that none of the children were located in the low level, 1 in the medium level and 16 in the high level. Taking into account the above, we can say that it is important to encourage sensory activities in our children to strengthen attention, improving their learning, which is why parents and teachers play an important role, implementing strategies in their planning in order to strengthen their attention.
The present research titled Sensory activities to improve attention in 4-year-old children of an educational institution, Trujillo - 2022, has the general objective of demonstrating to what extent the application of sensory activities improves attention in 4-year-old children of the C.E.E. Rafael Narváez Cadenillas, Trujillo - 2022. The research is applied, with a pre-experimental design in an experimental group, with pre-test and post-test. This research was carried out on a sample of 17 children, of which 8 were boys and 9 girls, 4 years old. The research was carried out based on the problems observed in the classroom of 4- year-old children of an educational institution, where the children showed a lack of attention in the development of their activities. The cause of this could be that during the development of the activities that were presented to them, the activities do not impact them, lack of sensory didactic resources in the development of the activities, this leads to the children not listening and becoming distracted, stopping paying attention. to the teacher because they are not curious about what they are being taught. provides, so it was formulated as a general problem: To what extent does the application of sensory activities develop attention in 4- year-old children of the C.E.E. Rafael Narváez Cadenillas, Trujillo-2022? Therefore, an alternative hypothesis was proposed: The application of sensory activities improves attention in 4-year-old children of the C.E.E. Rafael Narváez Cadenillas, Trujillo - 2022. The pretest was applied which showed that 12 of the children were located in the low level, 5 in the medium level, while none in the high level, after the application of the sensory activities they applied the post-test where we obtained that none of the children were located in the low level, 1 in the medium level and 16 in the high level. Taking into account the above, we can say that it is important to encourage sensory activities in our children to strengthen attention, improving their learning, which is why parents and teachers play an important role, implementing strategies in their planning in order to strengthen their attention.
Educación, Educación de la primera infancia, Actividad sensomotriz, Atención, Aprendizaje