Manual de alimentación adecuada para fortalecer el desarrollo infantil temprano en menores de 3 años, 2019
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
En la presente investigación se propone un manual de alimentación adecuada considerando que una alimentación oportuna puede fortalecer el desarrollo infantil temprano en menores de 3 años. Asimismo, se trata de promover la idea que un niño bien nutrido y sin anemia crece fuerte, sano, alegre, y rinde más en la escuela en el futuro. Un niño bien alimentado, se enferma menos de diarrea o de infección respiratoria y le ahorra el gasto de la atención de estas enfermedades y en el tratamiento de la anemia. En tanto, el desarrollo infantil temprano en menores de 3 años implica que cada niño tiene su propio ritmo y algunas capacidades se van construyendo poco a poco, en tal sentido el desarrollo es un proceso continuo que se produce cuando el niño interactúa con las personas, esto significa que un niño cuente con vida, salud y buena alimentación como parte de su bienestar y como bases para desarrollarse. Un entorno propicio para su integral desarrollo. La idea de investigar en las variables de estudio como son: alimentación y desarrollo infantil temprano, me ha permitido proponer un manual de alimentación dirigido a los padres de familia con la finalidad de crear hábitos saludables y con ello establecer conductas asertivas en cuanto al desarrollo de actitudes para ser artífices de un desarrollo sostenible basado en un adecuado habito de prácticas alimentarias de sus menores hijos.
In this research, an adequate feeding manual is proposed considering that timely feeding can strengthen early childhood development in children under 3 years. It is also about promoting the idea that a well-nourished child without anemia grows strong, healthy, cheerful, and performs more in school in the future. A well-fed child becomes less sick with diarrhea or respiratory infection and saves the cost of caring for these diseases and in the treatment of anemia. Meanwhile, early childhood development in children under 3 years of age implies that each child has their own rhythm and some capacities are gradually being built, in this sense development is a continuous process that occurs when the child interacts with people, this means that a child has life, health and good nutrition as part of his well-being and as a basis for development. An environment conducive to its integral development. The idea of investigating in the study variables such as: early childhood feeding and development, has allowed me to propose a feeding manual aimed at parents in order to create healthy habits and thereby establish assertive behaviors regarding the development of attitudes to be architects of sustainable development based on an adequate habit of eating practices of their minor children.
In this research, an adequate feeding manual is proposed considering that timely feeding can strengthen early childhood development in children under 3 years. It is also about promoting the idea that a well-nourished child without anemia grows strong, healthy, cheerful, and performs more in school in the future. A well-fed child becomes less sick with diarrhea or respiratory infection and saves the cost of caring for these diseases and in the treatment of anemia. Meanwhile, early childhood development in children under 3 years of age implies that each child has their own rhythm and some capacities are gradually being built, in this sense development is a continuous process that occurs when the child interacts with people, this means that a child has life, health and good nutrition as part of his well-being and as a basis for development. An environment conducive to its integral development. The idea of investigating in the study variables such as: early childhood feeding and development, has allowed me to propose a feeding manual aimed at parents in order to create healthy habits and thereby establish assertive behaviors regarding the development of attitudes to be architects of sustainable development based on an adequate habit of eating practices of their minor children.
Alimentación, Desarrollo infantil temprano, Estado Nutricional, Nutrición, Estimulación Temprana y Manual