Propuesta de Plan de Comunicación Digital para posicionar la Asociación Regional de Ciegos de La Libertad 'Luis Braille' en Trujillo – 2022
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación se denomina Propuesta de Plan de Comunicación Digital para posicionar la Asociación Regional de Ciegos de La Libertad 'Luis Braille' en Trujillo – 2022 y tiene como objetivo general elaborar un plan de comunicación digital para posicionar la Asociación Regional de Ciegos de La Libertad 'Luis Braille' en Trujillo. La investigación de acuerdo al diseño es de tipo no experimental, descriptiva y transversal, puesto que, no se manipuló variables y el instrumento se aplicó en solo un momento. La investigación es transversal porque se recolectó los datos en un mismo tiempo, con el propósito de describir las variables y la interrelación de indicadores. De acuerdo al diseño de contrastación es descriptiva y los instrumentos de recolección de datos fueron las encuestas y selección de bibliografía. La muestra está conformada por 83 pobladores del distrito de Trujillo, quienes fueron elegidos de manera intencional por las investigadoras. Asimismo, fueron escogidos 49 miembros de la Asociación Regional de Ciegos de La Libertad 'Luis Braille' quienes dieron a conocer el aspecto interno de dicha organización. El presente estudio dio como resultado que la ARCLB debe posicionarse mediante canales digitales, por lo que las investigadoras proponen un plan de comunicación digital para Facebook y LinkedIn.
This research is called Digital Communication Plan Proposal to position the Regional Association of the Blind of La Libertad 'Luis Braille' in Trujillo - 2022 and its general objective is to develop a Digital Communication Plan to position the Regional Association of the Blind of La Libertad freedom 'Luis Braille' in Trujillo. The research according to the design was non-experimental, descriptive and cross sectional, so no variable was manipulated and the instrument was applied in one moment. The research is transversal because the data was collected at the same time, with the purpose of describing the variables and the interrelation of indicators. According to the contrast design, it is descriptive and the data collection instruments were surveys and bibliography selection. The sample is made up of 83 residents of the district of Trujillo, who were intentionally chosen by the researchers. Likewise, 49 members of the Regional Associationof the Blind of La Libertad "Luis Braille" were also chosen, who disclosed the internal aspect of said organization. The present study gave as a result that the ARCLB must position itself through digital channels, so we make a proposal for Facebook and LinkedIn.
This research is called Digital Communication Plan Proposal to position the Regional Association of the Blind of La Libertad 'Luis Braille' in Trujillo - 2022 and its general objective is to develop a Digital Communication Plan to position the Regional Association of the Blind of La Libertad freedom 'Luis Braille' in Trujillo. The research according to the design was non-experimental, descriptive and cross sectional, so no variable was manipulated and the instrument was applied in one moment. The research is transversal because the data was collected at the same time, with the purpose of describing the variables and the interrelation of indicators. According to the contrast design, it is descriptive and the data collection instruments were surveys and bibliography selection. The sample is made up of 83 residents of the district of Trujillo, who were intentionally chosen by the researchers. Likewise, 49 members of the Regional Associationof the Blind of La Libertad "Luis Braille" were also chosen, who disclosed the internal aspect of said organization. The present study gave as a result that the ARCLB must position itself through digital channels, so we make a proposal for Facebook and LinkedIn.
Comunicación, Ciencias de la comunicación, Canales de comunicación, Digitalización