Estilos de liderazgo en el clima organizacional de los docentes de la Universidad Católica Los Ángeles de Chimbote, Chimbote 2020
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Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
La presente investigación estilos de liderazgo en el clima organizacional de los docentes de
la Universidad Católica Los Ángeles de Chimbote, Chimbote 2020. Tuvo como objetivo
general determinar la relación entre los estilos de liderazgo y el clima organizacional de los
docentes de la Universidad Católica Los Ángeles de Chimbote, Chimbote 2020. La
investigación fue no experimental, porque las variables no sufren ninguna alteración o
manipulación de parte del investigador; fue transeccional, porque se recolectaron los datos
de las variables en un solo momento. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se obtuvo una
muestra de 249 docentes, se aplicó el modelo Litwin y Stringer para medir las dimensiones
del clima organizacional vía google forms a los docentes de la UALDECH Católica.
Teniendo como principales resultados que los docentes mantienen un estilo solidario con
nivel medio de 61.4% y 34.5% en un nivel alto, con respecto al clima organizacional el estilo
cooperación es el predominante con un 80.7%; se concluye que existe una correlación
significativa asimismo se determina que el nivel de liderazgo es en un nivel medio con un
63.9%, por lo que se recomienda continuar evaluando los estilos con respecto al clima
organizacional por cuanto es muy importante para un mejor servicio a la comunidad
estudiantil y el apoyo de lo directivos hacia los docentes y desarrollar actividades de
integración que permita mantener y mejorar los estilos de Liderazgo por parte de los
directivos de la universidad hacia los docentes.
The present investigation leadership styles in the organizational climate of the teachers of the Catholic University Los Angeles de Chimbote, Chimbote 2020. Its general objective was to determine the influence of leadership styles in the organizational climate of the teachers of the Catholic University Los Angeles de Chimbote, Chimbote 2020. The research was nonexperimental, because the independent variable did not undergo any alteration or manipulation by the researcher; it was transectional, because the data of the variables were collected in a single moment. For the development of the research, a sample of 249 teachers was obtained, the Litwin and Stringer model was applied to measure the dimensions of the organizational climate via Google forms to the teachers of the Catholic UALDECH. Having as main results that teachers maintain a solidarity style with an average level of 61.4% and 34.5% at a high level, with respect to the organizational climate, the cooperation style is the predominant one with 80.7%; It is concluded that there is a significant correlation, it is also determined that the level of leadership is at a medium level with 63.9%, so it is recommended to continue evaluating the styles with respect to the organizational climate since it is very important for a better service to the student community and direct support towards teachers and develop integration activities that allow maintaining and improving leadership styles by university managers towards teachers.
The present investigation leadership styles in the organizational climate of the teachers of the Catholic University Los Angeles de Chimbote, Chimbote 2020. Its general objective was to determine the influence of leadership styles in the organizational climate of the teachers of the Catholic University Los Angeles de Chimbote, Chimbote 2020. The research was nonexperimental, because the independent variable did not undergo any alteration or manipulation by the researcher; it was transectional, because the data of the variables were collected in a single moment. For the development of the research, a sample of 249 teachers was obtained, the Litwin and Stringer model was applied to measure the dimensions of the organizational climate via Google forms to the teachers of the Catholic UALDECH. Having as main results that teachers maintain a solidarity style with an average level of 61.4% and 34.5% at a high level, with respect to the organizational climate, the cooperation style is the predominant one with 80.7%; It is concluded that there is a significant correlation, it is also determined that the level of leadership is at a medium level with 63.9%, so it is recommended to continue evaluating the styles with respect to the organizational climate since it is very important for a better service to the student community and direct support towards teachers and develop integration activities that allow maintaining and improving leadership styles by university managers towards teachers.
Clima organizacional